
Presentation for Sustainability Victoria and Singapore Department of Education
On the 16th of October, 9 representatives from the Singapore Department of Education and 3 representatives from Sustainability Victoria arrived at Brentwood Secondary College who were interested in seeing how we’ve been reducing carbon emissions, managing recycling, composting, and other environmental projects.
They want to learn about how our school is leading the way in sustainability in our local area, having achieve the 5 Resource Smart Schools Stars and won numerous awards throughout the year for our achievements in sustainability.
We delivered a presentation to the representatives during lunchtime in the conference room, where we shared all the Green Team’s achievements throughout the years and how we have come about to achieving them!
We also shared various initiatives we have run in Brentwood such as our ‘Towards Zer0 Bremissions’ campaign and our fundraising for external organisations such as Zoos Victoria and Solar Buddy!
After the presentation, the delegates asked us a handful of question on ways our school and extracurriculars can bolster student connection with sustainability and striving to achieve initiative and change in the world.
With a couple of exchanges in cultural experiences, the delegates kindly presented us with a beautiful picture frame from Singapore, which we greatly appreciated!
We extended a big thanks to all the visitors who had travelled all the way from Singapore to Australia to learn all about ways our education system supports schools in sustainability, and we also thanked Sustainability Victoria for facilitating this event for us!
Holistically, the experience not only allowed us to share our knowledge, experiences and challenges the Brentwood Secondary College Green Team faced but further allowed us to build the relationship between Brentwood’s community in Victoria and beyond!
Katie Lim and Isabella Devlin
Sustainability Captains 2024
Tidy Towns & Cities Awards 2024
Another fantastic achievement from our Green Team!
Brentwood has been shortlisted in this year’s Tiny Towns & Cities Sustainability Awards organized by Keep Australia Beautiful.
Our Premier’s Awards winning campaign, ‘Towards Zer0 Bremissions’ is shortlisted under ‘Behavioural Change Campaigns & Education’ and ‘Young Legend’ categories.
Winners will be announced in October.
Brentwood recognised as a ‘Fighting Extinction School’
Brentwood Secondary College has been recognised as a Zoos Victoria’s ‘Fighting Extinction School’. We have been listed on the FES map.
Please check it out:
Brentwood embraces Container Deposit Scheme (CDS)
We are excited to share that Brentwood is registered as one of the donation partners on the Victoria's Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) now. Please consider donating to Brentwood by selecting Brentwood as your donation partner on the CDS VIC East App as per the attached instructions.