Principal's Report

All Brentwood students have a suitable pathway option in order to complete secondary school through to year 12 at Brentwood Secondary College.
The Pathways team will be sharing more information about these options with students, and progressively discussing what is the right match for your child, as they approach the decision of which pathway suits them best.
There are 3 main ways to study Year 11 and 12 in Victoria.
VCE | VCE Vocational Major (VCE VM) | Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC)
A great choice if...
A great choice if... |
By school recommendation only and a great choice if...
- you prefer to learn in the classroom
- you need an ATAR for your goals
- you want to develop confidence in academic learning
- you want to apply for university immediately after Year 12 |
- you prefer to learn in the real world and classroom
- you don't need an ATAR for your goals
- you want to develop confidence in the workplace
- you want to pursue TAFE, an apprenticeship, a traineeship, or full-time work immediately after Year 12.
- Or apply to university after time in training or work
- you prefer to learn in the real world and classroom
- you don't need an ATAR for your goals
- you want to develop confidence in practical skills
- you want to complete the VCE, entry-level VET or start full-time work after Year 12 |
For more information about the VCE -
For more information about the VCE Vocational Major -
For more information about the Victorian Pathways Certificate -
It's that time of year again – time for sun protection.
Being outdoors where students can be active and have fun is great. But being outdoors means students can also be exposed to UV radiation. With UV levels in Victoria now reaching 3 and above, it’s time for everyone to start using sun protection again.
It’s time to remind students, staff and families at your school to wear sun protective hats, clothing and apply sunscreen before heading outdoors.
When the UV is 3 or above, use all five forms of sun protection:
- Slip on sun protective clothing
- Slop on SPF50 or SPF50+, broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen
- Slap on a broad-brimmed hat
- Seek shade
- Slide on sunglasses
Peter Rhodes
Associate Principal