Catholic Identity & Mission News

Welcome back to Term 4! It has been a busy start to the term for all with some exciting celebrations and of course, busy preparations for the farewell of our Class of 2024.
Before I jump into giving you an update on the festivities of these first two weeks of Term 4, I want to take this moment to introduce myself. My name is Tishan Lokuge and I have the pleasure of being Acting Deputy Principal – Catholic Identity and Mission whilst Fiona McKenna is enjoying her well-deserved long-service leave! I am incredibly excited for the term ahead and working with students and staff across both campuses in celebrating our identity as a Catholic community!
These two weeks have seen the conclusion of our yearly House Feast Day celebrations. The House Feast Days are a beautiful opportunity for the House to gather and reflect on their House Patron and celebrate their House Charism together through the celebration of Mass or a Prayer Service.
Avila House gathered on their House Feast Day on Thursday 10th October to reflect on the life and work of their House Patron, St Teresa of Avila. St Teresa was born in the town of Avila in Spain in 1515 and turned to Mary, the Mother of Jesus as a special figure in her life from a young age. She moved to the convent at a young age and went on to establish her own convents. These convents were places of quiet prayer and study where the nuns lived simple lives that allowed for them to better listen to what God wanted from and for them. St Teresa was a prolific writer and is referred to as a “Doctor of the Church” which is a special kind of teacher whose work is recognised as having great authority. She was a smart and holy woman who was also known for her sense of humour and her sweet and kind nature.
Assisi House gathered for their House Feast Day on Thursday 17th October, allowing to celebrate and reflect on the life of their patron, St Francis of Assisi. Francis is known well as an agent of peace; however, a young Francis showed no sign of this special grace as he joined not one but TWO armies in his youth! However, in his second stint in the army, he had travelled no further than a day’s journey from home before he was confronted with a vision of a much holier mission in his life. He came upon San Damiano (or St Damian’s), a little church on the outskirts of Assisi that needed quite a bit of repair. When he entered the Church and knelt underneath a large wooden crucifix, he was unable to look away from the crucified Jesus on the cross and asked the question, “Lord, what do you want me to do? Show me what you want me to do with my life.” The Lord answered him in a voice as clear as day, responding with “Francis, go and rebuild my church which, as you see, is falling down.” And this began what would result in St Francis becoming an inspirational and influential preacher with a love for Jesus that could be seen through his words and actions.
As we farewell our Year 12’s next week and having welcomed our Year 7 2025 cohorts at the Information Evenings earlier this week, we are reminded of the beauty of the cycle of life and how incredible it is to be a part of the journey in educating our next generation. This next generation will go on to mark their own place in the world and have their own influence on the society they live in. Let us pray for them that they can be inspired by the teachings and the lives of amazing examples like St Teresa of Avila and St Francis of Assisi, becoming the peacemakers of their generation who live their lives with others at the forefront of their minds.
Mr Tishan Lokuge
Acting Deputy Principal - Catholic Identity & Mission