Principal's News 

All students attending St Louis de Montfort's Aspendale have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a fundamental responsibility of all within our school.

Good afternoon families,

This week we have had our final meetings with the Parents and Friends and the School Advisory Council. Both committees are very important to the fabric of St Louis. The members give up their time for the good of the whole school community and it is greatly appreciated.

I would like to acknowledge the parents that are stepping down after many years on one or both committees.

A huge thank you to Mrs Tanya Jhoorum who is currently on both the PFA and the SAC.

Tanya has been a 'jack of all trades' and helping in the fund raising activities of the PFA and the sounding board on the SAC. Tanya was the assistant Musical Director for the school production last year and has ran the school choir this year. Tanya will be greatly missed and we will find it very difficult to fill her shoes.

Thank you to Mrs Laurette Dixon who has been on the SAC for many years. Laurie is a wealth of information and is a great support to me and the Council in helping to make decisions for the betterment of the whole school community.

Thank you to Mrs Kristen Bell who has given her time, ideas and energy to the PFA for the last 11 years. Kristen has been the driver of the Colour Run this year and in the past, she has also been on the committee for organising parents social events over the time she has been on the PFA. Kristen has helped in so many events over her time and also been the instigator of many new events. Kristen's drive and eye for detail will be greatly missed. 


Nominations for SAC members 

If you are interested in being on the School Advisory Council for next year please send me through an email and I will send you a nomination form.


PFA executive members 

If you are interested in being the Chairperson or Vice Chair person for PFA for 2024 please email me and I will send you a nomination form.


Staff leaving 

It is the time of the year when we say thank you and goodbye to some of our staff.

Mrs Jenni Chalker - Thank you for her 10 years of service to our children and the community. We will wish her all the very best in her retirement.

Ms Eliza Jones- Thank you for the 6 years at St Louis, we wish you all the best  in your next teaching position at OLA Cheltenham.

Mrs Luisa Ingram- Thank you for the 5 years of service at St Louis, we wish you all the very best at Mentone Grammar.

Mrs Therese Jackson- Thank you to this beautiful lady for 26 years of service in the office and library. We wish her all the very best for her retirement.

Mrs Dani Brodie - Thank you for 19 years of service and for your happy, bubbly personality. We wish you many happy times with your grand daughter.

Miss Leah Hancock - Thank you for helping us out as a LSO and then a teacher. We wish you the very best for wherever life takes you.


Teachers 2024

Prep KR. Mrs Anna Kolodziej and Mrs Dominque Rekdale 

Prep HM Mrs Gen Martin and Mrs Angela Healy 

Prep LP Miss Lena Perriman 


Year 1 JM Miss Jess McQueen 

Year 1 PW Mrs Jenny Waldron and Mrs Erin Paisley 

Year 1 CA Mrs Camille Allenby

Year 1 BD Mrs Anne Bright and Mrs Marylene Douglas 


Year 2 CR Ms Cate Roach

Year 2 GY Gary Young 

Year 2 OR Kate O' Brien and Dominque Rekdale 


Year 3 JR Mrs Jo Marshall and Mrs Dominque Rekdale

Year 3 DM Mrs Renata Dal Sasso and Mrs Toni Moser

Year 3 NB  Mr Nick Byron


Year 4 EM Mr Brendan Ellul and Mrs Toni Moser

Year 4 MP Mr Mel Pace 

Year 4 DJ. Mrs Jan Darby and Mrs Breanna Jamison


Year 5 RC Mrs Rachel Carnegie

Year 5 CP Mrs Cath Passante

Year 5 MO Mr Mick O'Brien  

Year 5 GT Mr Gene Trutsch


 Year 6 ET Mrs Eva Traynor 

 Year 6 GL Mr George Lithotomas

 Year 6 ES Miss Emma Summers

 Year 6 BG Mrs Dani Gill and Mrs Sarah Burgoyne   



School Choir

Our beautiful school choir performed today at IGA Aspendale Gardens. They sounded like angels and brought Christmas cheer to all the shoppers. Thank you Tanya Jhooum for directing them with such expertise.


I hope you all have an enjoyable weekend 


Carmel Stutterd