One small step for 7M

One giant leap for Stage 4...
Throughout 2023, the Numeracy Team has been working with 7M to target key areas of growth in numeracy, such as decimals, fractions, and measurements. Over the year, they made incremental improvements in their work and deserve commendation for their effort during these lessons.
However, the impact of their work stretches far beyond their classroom. The lessons delivered to 7M by the Numeracy Team served as the foundation for the Numeracy Sprints, which were conducted during Connect in Terms 2 and 4. These Connect lessons have played a critical role in driving improvement across Stage 4.
Here's a summary of their results throughout the year:
Additionally, a massive thanks are due to all members of the Numeracy Team, our Connect Teachers, Head Teachers, and our Senior Executive, particularly Mr. Howard, who supported the successful delivery of our initiatives this year.
We eagerly anticipate building upon the lessons learned this year to further drive improvement in the area of numeracy in 2024.
Francis Floresca
Numeracy Team