Principal's Message

Thank you to the many parents, carers, grandparents and family members who attended our recent Creative Arts Showcase, Learning Showcases and Celebration of Learning Assemblies. I want to acknowledge the work of our teachers and particularly Mrs Porter, Mrs Howlett, Mrs Rogers, Mrs Frost, Mrs Swain and Mr Osborn in preparing these events. Congratulations also to the many students who led the assemblies and entertained us with their humour, reflections and musical talent.
Thank you to our students, families, our P&C, teachers and support staff for a great year.
Farewell Year 6
It was lovely to formally recognise our graduating students at last Thursday's assembly. Our Year 6s will join teachers for a formal graduation dinner this Thursday, before a relaxed Friday and finally departing Ben Venue for the final time via a guard of honour at 3:10 p.m.
All of Ben Venue wishes each of our departing students the very best as they take the next step in their learning journey. I hope that our graduating students enjoy a well-earned break before the adventure of starting high school.
Farewell to...
Thank you to Mrs Wilson for her time with S3J in Terms 1, 2 and 3 as well as her work in the library in Term 4. Farewell also to Shuaib Rhodes and Mrs Stacey, who will not be returning to Ben Venue next year - thank you for your work with our students this year.
Mrs Frost has been a valued member of the school executive team for the past four years. After developing enhanced collaboration in her team and successfully leading the implementation of the InitaLit program in Stage 1, Mrs Frost will step back from the executive in 2024 and focus on her classroom teaching. Thank you Mrs Frost for your contribution to school leadership in recent years.
I wish Mrs Gale a wonderful final week at Ben Venue, after 20 years of service to our school and its students, before she takes up a role in the Armidale Education Office in 2024. We will miss you.
Step-up day
Today, all students in Years 1-5 participated in a step-up day, with Kindergarten, Year 2 and Year 4 moving up to their 2024 stage levels. The purpose of this day is to help prepare students for their move into next year and reduce any anxiety that may be experienced.
The classes into which students moved today are unrelated to 2024 class groupings.
2024 classes
Teachers have spent many, many hours drafting and redrafting lists for our 2024 classes. Groupings are not yet complete and may change before the start of next term as new families enrol at Ben Venue. This is a highly complex task, as teachers try to accommodate a large number of requests, construct classes with an equitable mix of student need and ensure necessary separations. Please understand that not all requests can be accommodated and some directly conflict with others.
We have again worked hard to maintain our successful stage-based class structure, and will not form any split-stage classes.
In the first two weeks of next term, a small number of students may move between classes to accommodate changes in our enrolment numbers and profile due to the arrival of new families. Please understand that this is not an opportunity for additional placement requests to be made.
Day 1 2024
Students in Years 1-6 in 2024 commence school on Thursday 1 February. Students returning to Ben Venue in 2024 will rejoin their 2023 class teacher in their 2023 room on the first day of term, before transitioning to their new classes later in the day.
Any students new to Ben Venue in Years 1-6 will meet staff at the office at 9:10 a.m.
2024 Kindergarten students will commence their schooling on Tuesday 6 February, after completion of their BestStart interviews.
Student work
Finally, it seems fitting to end my last newsletter for the year with a piece of student work. Possibly the best part of teaching is witnessing the enthusiasm and pride that students demonstrate when they surpass their own expectations of what they can achieve. Last week, Michael Cohen-Barnhouse was very proud to share the following piece of writing with me.
Way of the Seed
As it drops from its mother as if it were a wish,
it flows through the wind, falling, floating, flying.
It drops to the ground and sinks right in.
It starts to rain, then all is silent.
From days to weeks, to even months, it then sprouts.
It grows until it reaches the sun. And as we now call it, the photosynthesis process starts and it grows great green and graceful leaves, who then turn into flowers and are given pollination by the bees.
Then it grows bigger, better and stronger, it is now a beautiful tree, and the cycle starts again.
Michael Cohen-Barnhouse, Year 3
I wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas period and look forward to welcoming students back to Ben Venue next year.
Cam Pryce