Principal's Report

Dear Parents/Guardians and friends of Nazareth 


My sincere thanks to all our students and their families for their patience while we have had numerous building projects take place. It hasn’t always been easy with access to classrooms and into the school grounds but as you enter the College, you see the improvements and it’s of benefit to our students with better, upgraded learning facilities. 


Next week we see the completion of the year.  I hope all the hard work has paid off for our students and my hope is that all students that have applied themselves will receive the recognition they deserve in their reports.  We have our prestigious end of year awards next week and I look forward to celebrating and recognising the hard work and efforts of the award recipients.


I wish our Year 12s all the best with ATAR results being released mid December.  For those that have put in the hours, attended study sessions, worked to the best of their abilities, my hope is that your efforts are reflected in your scores. A reminder that the College will be open for the week 11 December until 15 December 2023 for Careers advise, please utilize this time if needed. 


I am currently travelling through Japan with 14 of our outstanding students and four highly committed staff members for the Nazareth Japan Study Tour.  Our students have made the most of their experience and have had many learning opportunities far and wide.  We will all take home great memories. 


I wish everyone who is part of the Nazareth Community a holy and safe festive season.  I look forward to welcoming our 2024 Year 7s and other new students, together with all our students in the 2024 school year.


Merry Christmas.



Mr Sam Cosentino
