
Pope: May Advent awaken us to God’s presence in our daily lives

This Sunday is the first Sunday in Advent. On the first Sunday of Advent in 2022, Pope Francis called on us to “awaken from our slumber” and to always be aware of the presence of God and to welcome Him in our daily lives.

The Pope pointed out that the Lord always visits us in our lives, “makes Himself close, and will return at the end of time to welcome us in His embrace.” But we naturally ask ourselves, 1) how will the Lord come to visit us and 2) how will we recognize and welcome Him?


The Lord visiting us

The Pope said that “God conceals Himself in the most common and ordinary situations in our life,” and we need to be constantly aware of this reality, not awaiting extraordinary events. This can be when we face someone in need, a chance encounter, or even in what might seem quiet or dull moments of daily life. “It is right there that we find the Lord, who calls to us, speaks to us, and inspires our actions.”


Recognizing and welcoming the Lord

The Pope said the second question regards how we can recognize and welcome the Lord.

“We must be awake, alert, vigilant. Jesus warns us: there is the danger of not realizing His coming and being unprepared for His visit. I have recalled on other occasions what Saint Augustine said: ‘I fear the Lord who passes by’… that is, I fear that He will pass by and I will not recognize Him!”


The Pope recalled how Jesus spoke about the people in the time of Noah, who were living their ordinary lives until they were swept away by the floods, as they were absorbed in their own matters. We need to always discern God’s presence in our daily lives and not miss this big picture, as can happen when we are distracted by earthly matters only.

May we recognise and welcome Jesus in our lives this Advent!


Holy Family of Nazareth, be our inspiration and our guide.

Jesus of Nazareth, help us to grow in Faith, Wisdom and Knowledge.


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