Brushing Away Stress 

Creating Futures Together 

Brushing Away Stress - Sip and Paint Extravaganza Unveils Hidden Talents! 

In the midst of the hustle and bustle that defines our school year, something magical happened on the 1st of December. Picture this: a vibrant after-school event that transformed our Staff Social Dining Room into a lively art studio, buzzing with excitement, laughter, and the clinking of paintbrushes. What was it? The inaugural "Sip and Paint" event - an annual initiative for our hardworking staff to unwind and indulge in a moment of artistic self-care. 


Organised by the dynamic duo of the Visual Arts and Wellbeing teams, this collaborative effort aimed to infuse our school's atmosphere with positivity and foster a strong sense of community. The venue, usually the Staff Social Dining Room, underwent a colorful metamorphosis, becoming a haven for creativity where brilliant minds let loose on canvases. 


Approximately 20 hidden talents emerged from our teaching staff and education support team, surprising and delighting everyone present. Who knew our educators were not only masters of the classroom but also wielders of paintbrushes with finesse? 


The evening's activity was simple yet profoundly enjoyable - painting with drinks and nibbles. The Visual Arts, Wellbeing, and Principal teams generously provided the artistic tools and sustenance needed for the creative journey. As the canvases filled with vibrant strokes and imaginative expressions, the room echoed with the sound of camaraderie and shared moments of artistic discovery. 


The success of this event underscored the importance of fostering a positive workplace culture. It served as a testament to the power of creative expression as a means of relaxation and rejuvenation. Laughter echoed, friendships deepened, and stress melted away in the strokes of paint on canvas. 


As we reflect on this inaugural "Sip and Paint" experience, we eagerly anticipate the next one in 2024. The resounding success and the unexpected unveiling of artistic talents have set the bar high for future events. Our staff's ability to create, connect, and find joy beyond the classroom is a testament to the vibrant community that makes our school truly exceptional. 


Here's to more moments of artistic bliss, laughter, and shared creativity in the years to come!    


Khairi Razaai 

Visual and Performing Arts Leader