Clyde North Campus News

Celebration of the 2023 school year
We are at the end of the school year once again, and it has gone quickly but more importantly it has been a very successful year. A year that allowed us to fully engage in school life through the establishment of classroom routines which supported school wide expectations ROCKS. The success of introducing specific classroom routines for years 7-9 guiding the start of each lesson was also well supported by the new mobile phone policy. Having the mobile phone locked securely away in lockers the entire day made such a difference to the level of engagement of students in classes and during recess and lunchtimes.
Term four has been very busy as usual with the last two weeks hosting some of our big end of year events which included:
- Year 12 Retreat
- Orientation Day for Year 7 2024
- Inaugural House Dance Competition
- Year 9 (2024) Passion Project Evening
- Advent Mass
- Tug of War House Competition.
At the end of the term, we farewell one of the founding staff at the Clyde North Campus, Mr Jean Paul Antione. Mr Antione was a founding House Leader of Assisi. Many families and students will have fond memories of Mr Antione and Assisi. Mr Antoine also committed to developing a time and space for us to celebrate our faith, in the form of Friday prayer meeting: 10 minutes for Jesus. Every Friday at 2pm students and staff gathered in the Piazza to share in the beauty of prayer and reflection. It was no surprise that at Mr Antione’s last Friday 10 minutes for Jesus that a significantly large number of staff and students gathered to pray and thank Mr Antione for all that he has contributed to the college. We wish him every success in his new school and new leadership role.
Year 7 2024 Orientation Day
The campus was certainly buzzing with nearly two-hundred-year 6 students eager to begin their journey at St Peter’s College. A great day was had by all, my thanks to our Pastoral Care Leader, House Leaders, House Captains, and student helpers who worked so hard to make this a memorable and fun day for our new students.
The highlight I am sure was the inaugural House Dance Competition. This is a new initiative organised by Ms Dalton. Despite the wonderful staff entry, the students really took the lead with Assisi House taking the trophy this year. Well done to everyone. A special commendation goes to MacKillop House for their wonderful dance which involved the grade six students here for orientation day. Thank you to Ms Dalton for a great event and Mr Islami for his impeccable judging skills.
We cannot forget the BBQ which was enjoyed by the grade six students and Mr Brown!
Advent Mass
Every year we celebrate an Opening Mass and an Advent Mass. Both celebrations mark the significance of time, the beginning of the school year and the end of the school year. For me the Advent mass provides not an ending to the school year rather it signals the beginning of the Christmas season and the joy of spending time with family. The Advent mass centres us providing the quietness needed to prepare for the coming of our Lord. This mass was the first time we were able to celebrate as a whole campus, mass in the new St Thomas the Apostle Church, making it a most special occasion. It was a beautiful mass, and we thank Father Denis for his unwavering support, guidance, and love for our college.
Year 9 Passion Projects Evening and The Tug of War
These are the final two big events for the year and always provide a very exciting and fitting way to end the school year. The focus for Head Start for the new year 9 students is to develop a project based on their passion, which provides plenty of scope for their imagination to go wild. Every year we witness the most amazing projects that are well constructed, demonstrate vision and ingenuity. We are very excited to share this years’ projects with students and their families.
The final event of the year is our annual Tug of War. The ultimate House competition where everyone gets involved. It is a great event, fun and very competitive. Points from this event and the House Dance Competition will go towards the 2024 Rosemary Graham Shield.
Finally, I would sincerely like to thank families and students for their continued support. Working at St Peter’s College is a joy, and I am very grateful.
Have a wonderful Christmas, full of love, joy and hope.
Mrs Julie Banda
Head of Clyde North Campus