Wellbeing and Community

Engagement Leader

Trish Lloyd

Parenting Advice and Help


Modern-day parenting can be challenging. Like never before, parents are seeking clear, fact-based solutions. SchoolTV delivers credible and current information from wellbeing experts via a unique digital platform. Browse through the resource library and find practical strategies on a variety of topics that address the challenges of raising happy, resilient young people in our ever-changing world. Because parenting doesn’t come with instructions.




  • A unique digital platform designed to support parents, caregivers and educators.
  • Watch video interviews with leading AU, NZ and international wellbeing specialists .
  • Browse the library of resources. Each topic is accompanied by factsheets, podcasts,  books, articles, apps and videos.
  • Access to a series of mental health topics such as cybersafety, anxiety, screen time, positive parenting and many more.
  • Discover new topics every month and access an archive of past topics 24/7 A resource to support modern-day parenting .


Just log on and explore the topics!  sttcbourne.catholic.schooltv.me



Weekly Dad Tips


We all experience moments of anger; it's a perfectly normal part of being human. And as a dad, you're no exception!


The journey of fatherhood can be challenging and stirs up a wide range of emotions, often revealing triggers you never knew existed.


Remember, you are only human and anger is inevitable, but it's how you choose to express it that counts.

Top Tips


1. Express, don’t repress. Anger is a natural emotion, and bottling it up can lead to negative outcomes. It's essential to find healthy ways to express your feelings and not let anger control you.


2. Seek support. Remember, you're not alone in this journey! There are resources and communities available to help you navigate the challenges of fatherhood, including managing your emotions. Seeking support and advice can make a world of difference.


3. Stay in control. Being in control of your emotions is a sign of strength, not weakness. It's okay to ask for help, talk to someone you trust, or explore strategies for managing anger in a healthy way.


Dad joke of the week

I decided to play golf with my friend. On the third hole he said "Let's make this interesting..." So we stopped playing golf. 


Podcast: Raising tween and teen girls


Tween and teen parenting expert Michelle Mitchell provides a glimpse into tween and teen girl-world. If you have a daughter - don't miss this one! 




Do you have 10 minutes?


We all have a spare 10 minutes in our day. Use those 10 minutes to spend conscious quality time with your child. It might not seem like a lot, but it compounds over time - making life-long memories.​




The teenage years to manhood


Dr Bruce Robinson shares the key role dads play during this transition. From teaching humility to being flexible in your parenting.

