Primary News

Melanie Sluyters

Just Leadership Day

On Thursday 9 November some Year 5 students were chosen to attend the CARITAS’ Just Leadership Day at St Cuthbert’s.  This was an opportunity for Year 5’s across southern Tasmanian to gather and discuss ways that they can promote being a leader in a just manner in future years and what they can do to support programs around service in 2024. 


The day consisted of an opportunity to meet other students through ice breakers such as "People Bing” before using the story of the Good Samaritan as their focus for prayer.  As Year 6 students in 2024, our Year 5 students took time out to discuss what they saw as an ideal leader and the qualities that they should exhibit with such words as ‘kind, inclusive and affirming’ being strongly stated.


After morning tea and another chance to get to know people our Year 5’s then explored the work of CARITAS, before being spoken to by Elle from St Vincent de Paul and Kevin from Catholic Mission Australia.  All three spoke about the importance of empowering people to assist, to support those who are struggling in our society and to recognise the importance of organisations in the community who are there to support.


The day concluded with our Year 5 students working through some ideas that they can use in 2024 as Mission Sisters and Year 6 students as they lead the Primary. This was a useful exercise as it allowed time for planning. 


Thanks must go to Mrs Norma Cooper who accompanied the students and to Mrs Leanne Prichard from CET who facilitated the day.  


‘Would you deny for others what you demand for yourself?’

U2, from the song “Crumbs From Your Table”

Terrapin’s Visit 

Last Friday our Prep - Year 4 and Year 6 students were entertained by Terrapin as they presented their show ‘Riddle of Washpool Gully’.  The story combines the art of storytelling with that of amazing puppetry to allow us the audience to imagine what might live out in the wilds of our amazing country - creatures we are yet to discover. 

For over an hour our students were mesmerized by the sets, story and puppets that navigated their want between real life people telling the story to puppets taking their place. 

Again Terrapin did not disappoint. 


Year 5 Camp

Our Year 5 students and staff headed to Spring Beach for two fabulous days and although initially a little wet and miserable it did not deter our fearless campers as they occupied the flying fox, went on scavenger hunts and spent time at the beach.  A big thank you to Damien Lowe, Sharon Himson, Branna Magill and Emily Coleman and to Rachel Willis for all the behind the scenes documentation required.

Welcome BBQ

Last night we gathered as a community to welcome new parents and students to the College, as well as see our Year 6 students start their much anticipated journey into Year 7.  The evening was a fabulous opportunity for all to meet those who will be joining us in 2024 and celebrate who we are. 

Step Up Day - Primary 

On Monday 27 November all classes will get a taste of what it is like to be in the year group above as we celebrate our ‘Step Up Day’.  This day is an opportunity for students to meet their new teacher for 2024, as well as welcome into the fold new students and staff who will join us.  

On Monday morning a broadcast will be sent to all families providing information of classes (Year 5 and 6) your daughter will be in, as well as the teachers who will be teaching what grades for 2024.  

The day is an opportunity to embrace so many new things and to remind ourselves how blessed we are as a community as we support each other and show how welcoming we are.  

Celebrating The Nativity

By now all parents from Kinder to Year 3 would have received information about ‘The Nativity’, which will be held on Monday 11 December at 6:00pm. This is a compulsory event for all our Early Years and Year 3 students and I thank you for your support with it.  

This evening is a chance to gather as an Early Years and Year 3 community and celebrate the birth of Jesus with a beautiful retelling of Luke’s gospel. 

At the conclusion of this, parents, Primary Staff and students can gather outside for a bite to eat and a chance to catch up with others.  

A reminder to all Kinder - Year 3 parents to please check the information sent to you so that we can adequately cater for the evening.