Swim Squad

2023 EHS Swim Squad Fundraiser – Nillumbik Wish Giving Tree

The Swim Squad lapathon was great fun but hard work and that hard work paid off because we raised $3100. 


Altogether, we swam a total distance of 54 km and the average laps swum between us all was 103 laps in just 1 hour. 14 out of 28 swimmers went shopping with this money a few weeks after the lapathon. Oh, the money was not for us but for the Nillumbik Wish Giving Tree. The Eltham Lions Club are organising food hampers to go along with the presents, so thank you Eltham Lions Club. 


The lapathon itself was hard going for all involved but ultimately great to be involved in and looking back it was fun to be involved in and to see how easy it can be to make a difference to others – in this case provide Christmas cheer to families who may otherwise have missed out on what we all enjoy. 


Summer Green (Year 7, Everard House)