
End of Year Activities
As we come to the end of the school year there are so many exciting events taking place.
Among them are the 2024 Kinder and Prep Orientation sessions, new student inductions and orientations for other new primary and secondary students, Early Years Fun Day, Prep Nativity Plays, Year 4 Christmas Plays, Year 10 Celebration Evening, Year 6 Graduation, visits to Aged Care Homes, whole school Christmas Chapel, End of Year Assemblies and Award presentations, and the final day activities.
No wonder students, staff and families alike are all feeling pretty exhausted and ready for a break!
We are so grateful for the continued support of all of our families in our college community throughout this year and pray that you have a blessed Christmas and holiday season.
Year 10 Celebration Night
The opportunity to dress up and dance the night away was embraced by our Year 10 students at their end of year Celebration Night last Friday, as they showcased the fabulous dances they have learnt during their Dance unit in Sport this term.
With the theme of “A Starry Starry Night”, parents, families and staff joined them in celebrating the completion of their Year 10 studies.
After performing their partner dances, culminating in a showstopping group Grease number, they invited family members onto the dance floor for old favourites like the Macarena and Nut Bush!
School Photos
2024 College photos will take place on the following dates:
Prep to Year 12 and staff:
- Monday, 12 February 2024 - Main photography day
- Friday, 16 February 2024 - Absentees and sibling photos
Plenty Kids:
- Tuesday, 28 May 2024 - 3YO Joey Group
- Wednesday, 29 May 2024 - 4YO Possum Group & 4YO Wallaby Group
Year 6 Graduation
Our Year 6 students took park in their Graduation Ceremony on Wednesday evening along with their families and staff, reflecting and celebrating the end of their primary school journeys. With speeches and reflections from a number of staff and primary captains Olivia and Isaac, our Year 6 students each shared about the highlights from their year.
They also enjoyed watching some special photo montages and performed a beautiful song together “Write My Story”, before receiving their graduation certificates and enjoying supper with families and staff. It was a very special evening for all and we pray God's blessing over them as they move into their secondary school years.
Secondary Senate & CMT visit to St Vincent's Care Nursing Home
On the rainy morning of Wednesday 29th November, a merry troop of students led by Mr. Siatskas donned their festive hats and readied their bells to spread some Christmas cheer amongst the residents of St Vincent's Aged Care.
Together (with the residents heartily joining in) we sang carols such as "O Holy Night" and "Feliz Navidad". Jo, a resident, told the story of how in the midst of a World War, German soldiers began to sing "Silent Night", and the British soldiers sang along. It was a moment to remember how the Gift of Christmas can unite and comfort even mortal enemies. After the singing and Christmas message were over, the PVCC students chatted to and gave each resident a small gift to share the spirit of Christmas.
Noticing that we still had quite a few gifts left, some of the students went with a St Vincent's carer to give gifts to the residents who had not attended the carols - all of us singing "Jingle Bells" and laughing all the way! What a joy it was to see the residents' faces light up when they sang or chatted with us!
It was truly a delight to be able to serve those who had lived such long lives (one lady was turning 102 in December!) and to bless them by bringing the Joy of Christmas into their home. Melody K
Early Years Fun Day
Our Early Years Fun Day began with students dressed in all range of fun clothing and some seriously intense dance moves, as our Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students danced the morning away at our silent disco in the gym. This was followed by a Kaboom Sport Bonanza, with a teacher v teacher dance off followed by lots of active games.
A lunchtime bubble party was next and after all that excitement and energetic activity on a very warm day, watching a movie whilst enjoying a choc top ice-cream was the perfect way to end a super FUN Day! A big thank you to our Early Years senate and Yr 6 Senate Captains, Chase & Emily, for helping to organise the day.