Early Childhood News

School holidays are a great time to recharge and relax, however, many children also ‘forget’ some of the learning they have done throughout the year. With a bit of creativity and fun, you can ensure your child/ren not only enjoy the holidays but also continue to learn and grow. 


Here are some practical tips to help your children stay on top of their learning during the summer holidays.


Incorporate Learning into Christmas Traditions:

  • Involve your child in baking and use it as an opportunity to teach them about measurements and fractions.
  • Turn decorating the house into a math or art project. Count ornaments, create patterns, or discuss colors and shapes.

Educational Games and Activities:

  • Invest in educational games and toys that make learning fun. Board games, puzzles, and interactive apps can engage children while reinforcing important skills.
  • Plan family game nights with educational twists, such as trivia games or word-building competitions.

Read and Explore:

  • Set aside time for daily reading. Encourage your child to choose books that interest them, fostering a love for reading.
  • Visit the library together to pick out new books. Many libraries offer free school holiday reading events for children, which also can break up the monotony of January. 

Nature Walks and Science Experiments:

  • Take advantage of the summer weather by exploring nature. Take photos of different insects or animals you see, and then research them when you get home. 
  • Conduct simple science experiments at home. For example, create a snowstorm in a jar or explore the concept of buoyancy with water-themed objects.
  • Enjoy Messy Science Play by creating Oobleck or playdough and then rinse off under the sprinklers! 

Journaling and Writing:

  • Encourage your child to keep a school holiday journal. They can document their experiences and look back at what they have done. A new journal and scented pens for Christmas can provide some motivation!
  • Write letters to Santa or compose letters/postcards to family and friends, incorporating writing skills in a meaningful way.
  • Create short stories or comics. Having them bound at Officeworks is low cost, but makes your child feel like a real author! 


The school holidays are a time for joy and togetherness, but it doesn't mean that you can’t help your child to stay ahead. By incorporating learning into holiday activities and leveraging creative approaches, you can ensure your children stay engaged and continue to develop their skills. Studies show that even reading a book every day for twenty minutes makes a huge impact on their reading skills!