
Application for Admission
Due to the high demand for places at Friends’ Early Learning, we recommend families plan ahead and complete and submit the relevant paperwork well before they will need a childcare place. Our largest intake of new children occurs at the commencement of each year, when the current children move up to the next group and new places may become available.
To apply to attend Friends’ Early Learning you need to complete and return the Friends’ Early Learning Waitlist Form (please contact the centre for more information). Completion of this form will place you on the Friends’ Early Learning waiting list, allowing us to call you when a suitable place becomes available.
The waitlist is regularly updated and maintained. Families are placed on this waiting list in accordance with both their eligibility according to the government placement criteria and the date we receive their Waitlist Application. The waiting list also allows families to identify which days they will require care, when they would ideally like to start and any other relevant information. Our Administration team will notify individual families when a place becomes available. Special consideration is also given to families in need of additional days for children who are currently enrolled. Families requiring days for siblings of currently enrolled children and those children that are already enrolled to attend The Friends’ School.
Families are welcome to visit Friends’ Early Learning during the application process by contacting the Centre Administration team on (03) 6210 2276. Centre Tours operate on Friday mornings and can be arranged by appointment. For more information or to book a Centre tour appointment please contact feladmin@friends.tas.edu.au.
Acceptance of Available Place
Enrolments are confirmed by written acceptance. When a place becomes available for your child, the FEL Administration team will call you to verbally offer the place and check all your details are correct and current. You will then receive an email from our ChildCare Management System, XAP, offering enrolment. Once you have accepted the offer, we will make the booking for your child and email an enrolment package containing further information regarding your enrolment. Fees are charged from the first orientation day, which is scheduled on your child’s first day of attendance. *Please note that a 50% discount is applied for up to two orientation sessions at the commencement of each child’s enrolment.
Enrolment Form
The Enrolment Form will be shared with you via our ChildCare Management System, XAP. This includes Friends’ Early Learning Conditions of Enrolment and provides an opportunity for you to share all relevant details, your CRN number and personal health information about your child. This document must be read and completed online with all required attachments provided prior to your child’s commencement. Details of your child’s current immunisation status must be kept up to date at all times. Please note that children with Medical Action Plans (e.g. for asthma and anaphylaxis etc.) will not be able to attend the centre without a current Action Plan and medication being provided. Action Plans can be uploaded into the XAP portal or via the XAP Smile App for families.
XAP Parent Portal
Once your child has been enrolled at the Centre you will be given access to a pin number for XAP. This code will allow you to sign your child in and out each day. It will also allow you to set up nominated emergency contacts and additional authorised people who you give permission to collect your child. Each person nominated, and authorised in writing, to collect your child is allocated a personal pin number via the portal.
Complying with Written Arrangement
A Complying Written Arrangement is also shared with parents to acknowledge your child’s booking and applicable fees.
myGov Requirements
Parents are required to confirm their enrolment and new bookings via their myGov account.