School Council Report 

August 2023

School Council Report

The first meeting for Term 3 was held on 18 July.  As always, our student representatives provided an articulate and detailed SRC update.  Listening to the breadth of their activities, it’s clear they are engaging the wider student community in many meaningful ways. The School Council were also delighted to hear that the recent SRC fundraiser (Push up challenge) had raised more than $700 on the day, in addition to online donations.


Some of this month’s meeting was dedicated to discussing the college's 'AIP,' or Annual Implementation Plan. This plan is significant, as it directs the year's efforts towards achieving the improvement strategies outlined in Mullauna College’s four-year Strategic Plan (2022 - 2026).  The 2023 focus is on maximising student learning and achievement growth (prioritising numeracy), along with enhancing wellbeing and engagement.  During the session, council members were provided with a detailed overview of the activities that the school is undertaking to meet these goals.  (The parent members noted that the Department of Education has many acronyms!) If you have an interest in looking at the the Strategic Plan or current AIP, they are both available to the College and wider community on the school website.


During the meeting, Councillors were given an insight into the vast quantity of data that has been returned from the 2023 Student Attitudes to School Survey.  This year’s survey had an excellent response rate.  We look forward to learning more about students’ perceptions and experiences of school at Mullauna College, as the data is analysed.


Our next meeting is on 15 August via Webex.  Most meetings of School Council are open to visitors.  Please get in touch with the School Office if you would like to arrange to attend.


Liesl Coulthard

President, School Council