Year 10 News

Brittany King & Courtney Scherger | Yr 10 Coordinators

Student Values

Congratulations to the following students who have received a value award:

Neeve Kelly – for always showing the school values

Kaw Tha Blay – for fantastic work ethic in Maths

Baden Lohrey – for your commitment to Maths

Jaylen Benbow – for your perfect CAT grade for the food safety and hygiene quiz


Subject Selection Day

We extend our gratitude to all the staff, students and families for your valuable participation in our recent Year 10 Subject Selection Day. Your involvement made the event a tremendous success. Thank you!


Work Experience

Just a reminder that the last week of term (11th – 15th September) is work experience week for students who have a Careers class in semester 2. If you require help in organising your work experience, please speak to your Careers teacher and they will assist you.