Sport News

Division Athletics


Congratulations to our 10 students who either placed 1st or 2nd at the District Athletics and now qualify for the Division Athletics. Which is on Wednesday 4th October at Bill Stewart Athletics Track in East Burwood.

10 y.o Girls: 1st Discus ~ Sadie B, 2nd Triple Jump ~ Ellie B

10 y.o Boys: 2nd Shot Put ~ Billy W, 2nd High Jump ~ Marcus C

11 y.o Boys: 1st Triple Jump ~ Kye C, 2nd 800m ~ Mack W, 1st Discus ~ Archie G  

11 y.o Girls: 1st Triple Jump ~ Lilla B

12 y.o Girls: 2nd High Jump ~ Chloe T, 2nd Long Jump ~ Sonia F


We wish them all the best for their competition!


District Round Robins


On Friday October 6th we have the District Volleyball round robin. Our students have been training for a long time for this and we hope to do well. This will be held at Milgate Primary School and we are sending an Open team.

On Wednesday 11th October we have the District Basketball round robin which is being held at Bulleen Stadium.

We are sending a Boys team to compete.

Good luck to all these students.


Lost Property


Please come and check before the end of term. 

