From the Classrooms
Prep Breakfast
Let's toast to a great morning where the Preps had a bowl of fun at the Prep Breakfast. Only the pancakes could stack up to the the Preps lovely manners, best pjs and empty tummies ready to be filled! The buffet of food was very ap-pealing and the Preps certainly didn't hold back on having many serves of deliciousness.
It was a cereal-sly AWESOME morning!
Teamwork in Performing Arts
During Term 3, Year 6 students have continued working on a range of instruments with a focus on selecting parts to play/sing based on personal skills and preferences, as well as listening and responding to others in a band setting in order to stay in time and balance dynamics. Enjoy this class performance by some students in 6C as they rock out to 'Younger' by Imagine Dragons.
Teachers vs Students
Last term the teachers and students battled it out in a lunch time game of Bombardment. There was a lot of competitive energy leading up to the game and while both sides fought hard, the students managed to win! Congratulations to all who played!
Puffing Billly
In Term 3, the Year 2's had a fabulous day at Puffing Billy. They had so much fun, as you can see by their huge smiles!