OSHC Information

Vacation Care September Program

We have only a few spots left if you are needing your child to come to the Vacation Care program.

Please contact us for available days and booking forms.

Term 3 Reflection

Term 3 has been a busy term for us.

The junior children have enjoyed a Ronald Dahl themed Day and puppet play to stories for Book Week. The older children have enjoyed having access to the new oval and lots of collaborative construction play.

Father’s Day was a hit with the children making a little present for their fathers to thank them for all they do.

The children also enjoyed the new Winter Menu with lots of soups and warm foods.

The educator team have started to use Padlet to document the learning and engagement of the children to ensure we are using this data to plan each fortnights activities.

Term 4 Planning and Menu

In Term 4, we will be including in the newsletter the program for the fortnight and what is on the menu for that Month.

This is a great way for you to know what is happening and to have chat’s with your child , if you have any questions please let us know.

Term 4 is always a busy one with lots going on.

We will be keeping you up to date with what is happening and about our OSHC Families Christmas Party, as it gets closer.


Have a great Holidays everyone



Sharyn and the OSHC team

0409 007 104
