Hello, from teachers and students.

Greetings from F/1T, Ms Amy Cecil and Ms Laura Trembath!


I would firstly like to say that it has been a pleasure to work at Violet Street! There are many fantastic aspects about this school. I will miss it! I am looking forward to continuing my master’s degree on campus at Melbourne University next year as I have been deferred this year. I can totally relate to Ms T as it is hard to put down something that has already been started, and it is super exciting to be able to pick it up again! I wish F1T, Ms T, and Ms. Martin all the very best for next term!


Here is a snapshot of some of the great work we have been doing lately .


Teddy Bear Hospital

On Monday, it was a valuable experience to have the Teddy Bear Hospital visit. There were around 20 medical students from Monash University who set up stations and educated our students about our bodies, health, and what might be experienced when visiting the doctors. Our students had a great time! Here are some photos and some written recounts of the incursion. 





In numeracy, the students have been learning lots about 3D shapes and objects.  They loved making 3D shapes out of match sticks and playdough, this activity was hands-on and a huge success. Checkout some of the amazing creations below! 

Image: Students creating 3D shapes with match sticks and playdough.


A 3D shape museum has also been set up in the classroom to explore and investigate these shapes and objects a bit more. The students have been encouraged to add to the museum over a few weeks. We have quite a collection growing! 

Image: 3D Shape Museum in the F/1 classroom.