Hello, from Carolyn.

Hello everyone,


Nearly end of term again! How does time go past so quickly? 

It has been a busy term for our staff with professional learning about classroom inclusion strategies, an introduction to trauma and how it can affect our students development, and reviewing our school values-plus all the other usual teaching and support work we do!

A reminder that we finish next week Friday at 2pm. Next term starts on Monday 2 October.


Sunsmart hats time!

Don't forget, all students need to be wearing their sunsmart school hats for the rest of this year. We have a small number of hats in our second hand uniform supplies and hats can be purchased from Noone, our uniform supplier .


Lunch order day is Wednesday 13th.


Jolly Soles fundraiser.

Don't forget to support our Jolly Soles fundraiser!


I feel like I may have jinxed the weather with my 'Hooray for springtime' comment last week! Rug up and stay warm over the weekend!

warm regards,





School banking details.


Bendigo Violet Street Primary

BSB: 033-688

Account number: 93-1292

Payment reference: use your surname and fees.