What's happening 

at HC


Parents/guardians are reminded to contact the school if their child is going to be absent.


You can call our Absence Hotline 5381 7200 or through our Seqta App.

KESOs (Koorie Engagement Support Officers)

KESOs support Koorie children and their families with assistance to make the journey through primary and secondary school as seamless as possible.


KESOs also connect with other relevant (school and regional staff) and external support workers to assist family engagement.


KESOs can assist with:

  • Individual Education Plan Meetings

  • Assist with Scholarship/s applications

  • Suspensions and Expulsions Meetings

Plus a whole range of other Educational needs.

Your local KESOs based in Horsham are:

Moving House? Changing phone numbers? 

It is important that we have up to date contact details for Students. Please remember if you move house, change phone numbers etc that you please let us know so we can change it on our records.


A friendly reminder for all students to remove all items and clean their lockers when they finish school during Term 4.


For some students this maybe a little earlier due to work placement, family holidays, harvest ect.


Locker maintenance begins as each year level finishes the term and all remaining items are removed.


Remaining items are disposed of or recycled. A small number of items deemed valuable may be stored for a short period of time, however, their security cannot be guaranteed.


Please remember to:

  • Remove any textbooks (perhaps on-sell if not required next year)

  • Take your Padlock with you

  • Remove your pencil case

  • Return any library books to the library

Please contact Mr Queale if you have any concerns.


Our Welfare team would be grateful for any uniform donations. If you have any spare uniforms that are no longer needed, please feel free to drop items into the Admin Office.

VCE Business Management

Patagonia Australia has generously donated a class set of their book, "The Responsible Company," by founder Yvon Chouinard and co-author Vincent Stanley to the VCE Business Management program. 


The book will inspire and empower students at the senior-level to better understand a key throughline of the course: how to operate a business in a way that goes above and beyond its legal obligations to benefit society and the environment. 


Next year's class will partake in a close study of the book and link its ideas back to the coursework and understandings of how to operate a socially responsible business. 


Many thanks to Sean Andrews, store manager of Patagonia's Geelong Outlet for organising the donation.

WestVIC Academy of Sport

Attached is the applications link:



Return to School 2025

Students in Year 7 & 12 will return on Wednesday 29th January 2025.


Students in Year 8 - 11 will return on Thursday 30th January 2025.


Please note Country Buses will return on Wednesday 29th January 2025.