Parents & Friends

Dear All,
As we come to the end of the year and we are all very busy and tired.
I just wanted to take a moment to THANK YOU ALL, our wonderful community for your assistance and support you’ve given me and the school over the last few years. A massive THANKS goes to Mrs Ferrari, Mr Speranza and Ms Erica for all your support and advice has been invaluable and I am so grateful.
I couldn’t have done it without the support of Holly and Jeremy. We have had a lot of early morning’s and late night’s. They have been my rock all year thank you so very very much for all your hard work.
As I step down as P&F leader, I wish Jeremy all the best as our new leader.
I’m sure he will continue to make the school great, with the help from Holly and Melanie.
We have a few more events coming up.
Firstly we have our School Carols on the 10th December Under the Sails at St Mary’s College at 5pm, where all our children will be singing Christmas Carols. Lets hope its not as hot as last year!
Children's Christmas Cards for sale, they are $10 for a pack of 14 or $1 each. Come along to purchase them, they look so good.
Friday 13th December we will be Blessing the Community Garden Project at 3pm, afterwards we will have a free sausage sizzle and icy poles for everyone.
This Friday 6th December the Year 6’s will be hosting a TOY and BOOK Stall new and used items will be up for sale. Hang around after school from 3:30pm until 4pm, you never know you could find some Christmas gifts.
All money will go towards their Graduation.
As we move into 2025 we ask you to SAVE THE DATE for our WELCOME DRINKS on Friday 21st February 2025 at 7pm. All details to follow earlier 2025. It’s a great way to catch up with everyone and have a fun relaxed night.
If you have volunteered to be next year’s Class Representative the first meeting will be held in the staff room at 2:30pm on Tuesday 4th February 2025.
On behalf of the P&F we wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Enjoy the summer holidays with your loved ones and see you all in 2025.