From the School Leadership Team 

L'équipe de direction de CJC

Student safety to and from school

Over recent weeks, a series of unwelcome approaches were made to students traveling to and from schoold in broader Melbourne. Each time this has occurred the student was able to move to safety or manage the situation positively. Many of our students walk to and from school, travel on public transport or ride their bikes. We all need to be vigilant and have those important conversations about this very serious situation and how it could be managed.

  • Does your child travel alone? 
  • Have you had a conversation around inappropriate approaches from an unknown adult/person?
  • Would your child know what to do and how to react?

End of year party

We look forward to seeing everyone this afternoon at our end of year party and celebration. Our hard-working Parent Committee have ensured this important event can proceed despite the potential impact of some forecasted wet and wild weather.


Step into Prep – External providers’ expo

We have had a very busy week with our third Prep transition session on Wednesday.  We had a great turn out of families who were able to meet with the external providers and programs who support the school and offer additional programs for our students.


Whole school transition 

Whole school transition for our 2025 classes will take place on Tuesday 10 December. It is an exciting time for our students who will discover their classroom group and teacher for 2025. Please ensure that your child is on time, as the transition will start at 9.05 after the roll.


Notre Dame de Paris at the Immigration Museum

Your children had a great day and enjoyed the rich experience of attending the Notre Dame exhibition. A big thank you to Madame Baqué and Madame Laforest for organising this excursion. We’re excited to share that our students will be featured on Channel 9 this Saturday 7th, during the 6 PM news! Tune in to catch a mini-documentary about the interactive exhibition on Notre-Dame’s renovation, held at the Immigration Museum. Don’t miss this special moment!


Ceres excursions

Our Grade 5/6 cohort and Grade 2 students have participated in the CERES (Centre for Education and Research in Environmental Strategies) this week.  The program offers opportunities for discovery and learning for all ages and abilities about how to care for the Earth.  


Parking at drop off and pick up times

The parking issues are beginning to create some real tension between the staff, parent community and local residents. Our staff is expected to prioritise safety for our students, make the necessary directions around the accesses to and from the school grounds and field the complaints of our neighbours when they are impacted by inconsiderate and unsafe parking.


A No Standing sign is a clear traffic sign, don’t park there under any circumstances. The No Standing at the bend in Sebastapol Street adjacent the Prep buildings is a high-risk area for traffic, pedestrians and our students. It is a No Standing Zone.


Congratulations to Miss Madsen, Miss Bellamy and Miss Jaye

This week we were able to celebrate the successful full teacher registrations of three early career teachers at our school. Miss Madsen, Miss Bellamy and Miss Jaye were all acknowledged by our staff on Wednesday evening and we congratulate them all for the work they have done to gain this important recognition, the work of the colleagues who have supported them on this journey and for the work they do each day in our classrooms to support their students.



Congratulations to  Miss Spencer and Mrs Leonard-Shannon

We would also like to acknowledge the graduation of two staff from a DET supported Teacher Excellence program. Mrs Leonard-Shannon and Miss Spencer have both worked across 2024 with staff from other settings to complete this study at the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Learning. Congratulations to you both on this important achievement. 

 "Monday the 2nd was bittersweet as it was our final day at the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership and our Graduation from the Teaching Excellence Program. A day of reflection, celebration, and connection. This year long program provided us with such amazing and rich opportunities, and more importantly allowed us to connect and bond with some truly inspirational educators. We celebrated successes, navigated challenges, laughed, learned, and grew together. "

-Miss Spencer and Mrs Léonard-Shannon



Our Grade 6 cohort will have their graduation ceremony on Thursday 19 December. We ask families to arrive from 5 pm and no later than 5.15 pm, for a 5.30 start. We look forward to celebrating this special occasion with you and your child. It promises to be a memorable evening of fun, laughter, and recognition of the students' hard work and accomplishments.


Last day of school

School finishes at 1.30 pm on Friday 20 December 20. Children will be dismissed from their classrooms following a final assembly at 12.45.

We ask all families to be clear of the school grounds at 2pm.

Please note that because school concludes at 1.30pm, lunch orders will not be available on 20 December.


I wish you all a nice weekend.


Chris Chant