Principal's News
Mrs Nicole Black
Principal's News
Mrs Nicole Black
Pilgrims of Hope - Jubilee Year 2025
I am delighted to be joining the amazing St Mary's Community as your new principal, knowing I have big shoes to fill! Gab Espenschied is an amazing leader and educator and I feel privileged to continue her remarkable work, and also have her just down the road and at the end of the phone to support me as St Mary's new principal.
Thank you for the warm welcome, I have enjoyed meeting some of you already and I am excited to get to know all the families of our school, and to work with you as we come together to provide an environment where every student in our school flourishes in their learning and in their wellbeing.
I have been so impressed with the way the students from Prep all the way to Grade 6 have transitioned back into school on their first day. The students were welcoming to new staff, students and each other, and settled in to their new classes. This is a credit to the families of this community, and the staff of St Mary's. The happy faces in the photos say it all!
This year, our whole school focus is, "Why Not? Be you and fill hearts with hope". This comes from a book called "Why Not?" by Kobi Yamada and illustrated by Gabriella Barouch. The key message of this book is to challenge ourselves and have a go, finding out what we are capable of and what we can't do YET! Be you and fill hearts with hope is linked to the Jubilee Year and the message that we are Pilgrims of Hope. We look forward to sharing our learning around this beautiful book and the challenges we embrace as the year progresses.
At the moment we have a large number of mosquitos in our outside environment! If your child is susceptible to being bitten by mosquitos, please apply a repellant to your child before school. They are also welcome to bring a roll on repellant to school to reapply as needed.
Nicole Black