Important Dates

Administration Hours:
Monday to Thursday 8.15am - 4.15pm
Friday 8.15am - 3.45pm
Phone Number: 5484 1844
Monday 27th - Australia Day Holiday
Tuesday 28th - First day for all Staff
Wednesday 29th - First day for Year 7 and VCE Students
Thursday 30th - Year 8, 9 and 10 commence
Friday 31st - All students to attend
Friday 31st - Whole School Assembly
Monday 3rd to Wednesday 5th - Year 7 Camp
Monday 3rd to Thursday 6th - VCE Outdoor Environ Studies - Wilsons Promontory Camp
Wednesday 5th to Friday 7th - Year 12 Camp to Melbourne
Thursday 13th - National Apology Day
Friday 14th - RSC Swimming Sports
Monday 17th - School Photos
Monday 10th - Labour Day Holiday
Tuesday 11th - Student Free Day
Wednesday 12th - Friday 14th NAPLAN
Monday 17th to Friday 21st - NAPLAN
Thursday 20th - Harmony Day
Wednesday 26th - Year 7, 2026 Open Night 4.30pm to 6.30 pm
Wednesday 26th to Friday 28th - Dukes Camp - Great Ocean Walk
Thursday 27th - ManCave/Flourish Journey Year 10-12
Thursday 27th - Year 10 Immunisation
Friday 28th - Cross Country
Friday 28th - Avalon Airshow
Thursday 3rd - Parent/Teacher Interviews 4 pm to 6 pm
Friday 4th - Parent/Teacher Interviews 10 am to 12 pm