
Important Dates - 2025 | |
Wednesday 12th February | Instrumental Music Recruitment and Information evening |
Saturday 1st March | Paynesville Music Festival |
Wednesday 7th May | Autumn Concert |
Term 4 wrap up
As usual, Term 4 has provided us with a flurry of performances, right up to the very end.
As we finish the year, I would like to thank all the music families for their support, the music staff for their dedicated work, the general school staff (especially office and hub staff) for their assistance and the students for their continued enthusiasm and drive to learn.
As our young musicians go off on holiday, I would like to remind them that their instruments work well at home, holidays being an ideal time to practise and experiment with new pieces. Please make sure instruments are not left at school over the break.
Planning has already started for 2025, and things are shaping up well. In the meantime, we in the music department, wish everyone a relaxing and a well-deserved summer break.
Kim Green -BSC Instrumental Music Coordinator
Music Tour
2024 Music Tour was huge success. The College Orchestra travelled to Eden where they were based for three nights in a caravan park. On the way there were concerts at Bairnsdale West Primary School and Cann River. Other concerts were at Pambula PS, Eden Marine High School, Towamba Public School, Candelo Public School and Mallacoota P-12 on the way home. Performances were given by the senior concert band, string ensemble, swing band and college orchestra. All concerts were very well received with audiences dancing at the end. A huge thank you to the Hutton's for their continued support of our tours, the music staff (John, Kees, Kim and John), Bryce (our magnificent bus driver) and congratulations to the students for their amazing work over the week.
Summer 'Gala' Concert
The Summer ‘Gala’ Concert was a great finale to our year. Audiences were entertained by all the school ensembles including the tour orchestra. The final item, Ode to Joy (arranged and taken by James Newman), with all eighty students performing was a most spectacular finish to the concert.
Junior Band Performance
The Junior Band performed at the Orientation Day assembly on Tuesday 10th December. The Grade 6 students arrived to hear them playing Giraffe Rock and were entertained during the assembly with Dragon Slide. This year’s Junior Band has been outstanding, and the music department is looking forward to working with them in Intermediate Band in 2025.
Each year in November we have a few students who complete AMEB (Australian Music Examination Board) exams on their instrument. The AMEB is an external examination body. Students can choose to do a repertoire exam (pieces only) or a comprehensive exam (pieces, technical work, aural tests, sight reading and general knowledge). Students have to work hard preparing the music and also working on their performance skills.
This year, we enrolled four students who travelled to Sale for their exams.
Cody: Grade 7 Comprehensive Saxophone - A+
Cooper: Grade 5 Repertoire Trumpet – A
Rebecca: Grade 2 Comprehensive Violin – A+
Naomi: Grade 2 Repertoire Violin – B
Congratulations to all students on their wonderful results and thank you to their teachers and accompanists.
2024 Re-enrolment/Enrolment and Hire Forms
There are still outstanding re-enrolment forms. Please get them in as soon as possible as planning is already underway for 2025. If students are unsure about whether to go on or not, come over to the music centre and discuss options with the music staff.
Please return hire forms as soon as possible.