Principal's Report
Principal - Julie Hommelhoff
Assistant Principal - Jacob Johnson
Principal's Report
Principal - Julie Hommelhoff
Assistant Principal - Jacob Johnson
Welcome to ETRPS in 2025. Thank you to teachers, students, and parents for being so organised and eager to start the school year.
We welcome new staff: Ms Coleman in 3 / 4 and Ms Dykstra in 1 / 2. We look forward to introducing further ES Staff in the coming weeks.
We wish Mr Minchin, Mrs Mathers and Lu all the very best in their future pursuits.
I am happy to be back at the helm as Principal and extend my warmest welcome back to Jacob Johnson as our Assistant Principal. We also start with most of our staff that were with us last year, deeming the staff retention rate to be very high. To our community that includes all the staff, students and families, I welcome you back and am looking forward to working right alongside you in 2025.
To our new families beginning their time at ETRPS, we welcome you and truly hope your time here is enjoyable and full of learning opportunities.
You will have seen that some changes have been made to the location of classes, the wellbeing room or Sensory Den as it will be known this year, and AUSLAN room as an example. We are in the process of designing a map to indicate the changes for our community. This will be provided to everyone on ClassDojo, placed on the school's website and will be displayed on windows or doors throughout the school.
School Council
School Council is seeking two very enthusiastic parent representatives to join our team. School Council is our governing body of whom make important decisions to do with funding, budgets, communicating with our community and developing the best possible programs for our students. We meet every third Monday of the month at 6 pm in the Conference Room at ETRPS.
Should you wish to join this team, please contact Julie, Dee and / or the office to collect a nomination form.
Please note: Student Accident Insurance
The Department of Education does not provide personal accident insurance for students.
Parents are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including any ambulance attendance/transport costs. Reasonable low-cost accident insurance policies are available from the commercial insurance sector. Complete a google search on ‘Student Insurance’ if you are interested.
It is recommended that personal property stays home as there is no insurance cover for personal belongings.
SunSmart Policy: Hats On
All students are required to wear their broad brimmed hats, even when playing or participating in activities under any shelters.
Our SunSmart Policy is based upon the Cancer Council guidelines that hats should be worn when UV levels are above 3 on the index (usually around the beginning of September in each year). We source this information from the following website:
Please remember that only our school hats may be worn. These can be purchased from the office for $10
1st September… Hats Remember.
1st May… Hats off Day.
Naming Clothing
Please clearly name all clothing (including hats) so that it can be quickly returned to its owner. We have white material markers in the Office and we will happily record student’s names on hats and clothing if needed. Just send your child to ask for help.
As parents and carers, you will at times need to meet with classroom teachers to clarify classroom programs and sometimes discuss problems that may have arisen. The teachers and Leadership Team will endeavour to meet and discuss any range of school issues as soon as possible, however, please be aware staff meetings occur each Tuesday and Wednesday nights straight after school. There is an assumption all teachers will attend meetings on time. No teacher will dismiss your question or concerns, so calling to organise a time to meet will ensure the question or issue can be addressed with plenty of time and no interruptions. Don’t forget you can always message on ClassDojo, email or call the school on 54 107 700.
Inclusion, Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, (Academic Excellence)
Julie Hommelhoff