Learning & Teaching News

APSMO Awards

At Monday's assembly we presented certificates to all students in Years 5/6 for participating in the Maths Games or Maths Olympiad Competition as well as those Year 3/4 students who participated in the Maths Explorers Competition. These competitions are all run by The Australasian Problem Solving Mathematical Olympiads (APSMO). They are a not-for-profit, professional organisation established in 1987.  Their aim is to:

  • promote and improve maths problem solving skills amongst all students in primary and secondary schools across Australia and New Zealand
  • support teachers in developing their students to understand a variety of strategies to promote flexibility in their problem solving
  • encourage creativity and collaboration in problem solving;
  • stimulate enthusiasm for and enjoyment of mathematics.

Special mention to the following students who were presented with special awards:


'Maths Explorers' Maths Star Awards - Zoe C, Gabriella W, Jacob Y, Raf L, Audrey K and Arabella B

'Maths Games' Maths Star Awards - Matisse M, Oliver R, James N, Otto C and James G

'Maths Olympiads' Top 25% patch - Eleanor J 

'Maths Olympiads' Top 10% badge and highest score in the school trophy - Felix G and Lars R

Nick  Byrne

Learning & Teaching Leader