From the Classroom

Foundation the first few weeks

Week 2 - Police Visit


What a surprise we had in week 2. We were lucky enough to have a visit from Constable Drew - Amelia's dad. Constable Drew is a member of the Victorian Police- Dog squad. When he arrived in his uniform the students and teachers all thought we were going to learn about what the police do for our community. Constable Drew was very informative. He then surprised all of us with asking us go outside and look at his 'big' car with some special guest.

The students and teachers were very excited to meet 2 of Constable Drew's dog. After watching both dogs show us some tricks we waved them goodbye and thanked Constable Drew for visiting us.

Week 4 - Story Writing/ Sharing smarties

What a busy week we had!

In math all the foundation students were asked to share smarties. The students all remembered that when we share everyone needs to have the same amount. If we couldn't share the smarties we had to put the leftover smarties in the 'Bin'.

During the past few weeks, the students in foundation have been very busy learning and having a go at writing their own stories. We have been focusing on the Beginning, Middle and End of stories.


Week 5 - Chinese Cultural Day

Activity 1 - Music in the library - what interesting musical instruments we were able to listen to.

Activity 2 - Chinese dancing - the music was so soft and peaceful.

Activity 3 - Drumming - this was SO LOUD!


Activity 4 - Martial Arts