Deputy Principal

Teaching & Learning News

Mrs Eloise Ellis

Year Five / Six Public Speaking Program

Last week, our year five/six students took part in a public speaking program called Super Speak. Super Speak is Melbourne’s multi-award-winning public speaking, presentation skills and drama program for kids. The program enables students to communicate with confidence, purpose & skill whilst having fun!

Public speaking is an essential skill for students to learn as part of their confidence development.


Benefits for Students:

Self confidence & self belief

Inspire creative thinking

Promote expressive skills

Build self esteem

Learn to think on your feet

Develop self awareness

Improve communication skills

Develop leadership skills


Our Senior School Team Leader, Mr Stent shared the following:

"We started off with some vocal exercises and games, to teach students about using expression, tone and body language. Students then worked in groups and had to act out a silly poem using dramatic expressions, voices and actions. Students learnt about how to persuade, by using the PREP technique (Point, Reason, Explanation and Point). They were then given various scenarios and had to persuade others to agree with their opinion."


The students fed back that they enjoyed the sessions immensely.