Student Leaders 2023


Castiel White
Kira Storer
Castiel White
Kira Storer

Sport Leaders     

Jayden Harry
Jayden Harry












House Points

Here are the house points for this fortnight:

4th Place: Woorruk (Green)– 1892

3rd Place: Wimba (Red) – 2030

2nd Place: Tunparrim (Blue)– 2075

1st Place: - Yarny (Yellow) 2566


Well done to Yarny (Yellow) House!


























Learning Leaders    

Michael Tantra
Zoya Salman
Michael Tantra
Zoya Salman


House Leaders                                    

Green - Caitlin Suhr
Green - Milly Jackson
Yellow - Lylah Browne
Yellow - Natalie Bartuccio
Red - Harper Kelly
Red - Morgan Neal
Blue - Emily Cowen
Blue - Kingston Davida
Green - Caitlin Suhr
Green - Milly Jackson
Yellow - Lylah Browne
Yellow - Natalie Bartuccio
Red - Harper Kelly
Red - Morgan Neal
Blue - Emily Cowen
Blue - Kingston Davida


SRC Leaders 

Lex Whitehead
Mahli Tapuai-Tonumaipea
Lex Whitehead
Mahli Tapuai-Tonumaipea