A message from Tami -Jo

Welcome back to Term 4

We have reached the middle of the term. It continues to be busy. Lots of events and much work being done to assess children in readiness for reports and to focus on what the children need to consolidate before the end of the year. The recent Professional Practice Day that the teachers had was spent analysing data, looking at student work samples, moderating student work and preparing for reports.


You will have seen that some of our new buildings have arrived. We will have 18 new classrooms, 5 new specialist rooms, a staff room and a staff toilet with another administration building to arrive in February. A lot of exciting construction in the big corner of the school; many of the students have enjoyed watching the cranes at work.

Late Payments

We have been very clear that late payments will not be accepted for any events. It is clearly written on the event information. If there any issues about payment and we are contacted before the event closes for payment, we may be able to assist you. Reminders are sent as a matter of course. I know it can be frustrating if you have missed a payment but please do not take out your frustration on the staff. We endeavour to be fair to everyone, hence no payments will be taken after the events have closed.

Transition sessions

This week we have our second transition session for the 2024 Preps; the children spend time in the classrooms familiarising themselves and the parents hear from members of the leadership team about aspects of our school philosophy, process, policy and routines as well as how to best prepare their children for school. 

Year 7 transition has begun as well. Visits to the schools to find out about the students has started and the students will do a drop in afternoon in the coming weeks. Truganina South school visits are this week as well.


In all assemblies, we have been working on the theme of ‘I am the master of my fate; the captain of my soul’ from the poem Invictus. We have been asking the students to think about who they want to be; what dispositions do they need to have in order to be that person. The students have been exploring the idea that they can only control themselves their actions and not what others do. They have also been discussing the impact they have on others and what others have on them. The students have talked about peer pressure, being a bystander and how being part of a group can influence how people behave. There have also been yarning circles around how to be motivated, focussed and determined with their own learning and what dispositions are needed for this. It would be wonderful if you could follow this up at home by talking about these themes and encouraging the students to work on developing these positive dispositions.

All year levels will have a cohort assembly in either week 11 or 12 to share something with the community to celebrate the end of the year; this may be a piece of work; a song or dance or perhaps a skit. Each cohort will decide on what they would like to prepare and present. It is a fund activity to end the year. 

Changes to Timetable for 2024

There will be a timetable change for 2024; this is to ensure that we comply with the VGSA which we currently don’t, as all teacher/ES breaks are supposed to occur between 11.30-2.30pm. We are also moving to 60 min blocks so there is less movement, fewer transitions and more time spent on task. The morning will be significantly longer; rest assured there will be breaks built into the morning for all students from P-Year 9 and we have a longer lunch eating time for the primary students to ensure that they have enough time to eat well. It also means we are taking advantage of the student’s longer attention span throughout the morning and valuing the Specialist teaching time more. Arriving on time and be ready for the day at 8.40am is going to be very important. We have a number of students arriving late regularly and it does affect their ability to be ready to learn and disturbs the learning of others. 

2024 School Times

8.40-9.40am Session 1

9.40-10.40am Session 2

10.40-11.40am Session 3

11.40-12.00- lunch eating time (PS) and home group time (SC)

12.00-12.30pm- Lunch

12.30-1.30pm Session 4

1.30-2.00pm Recess

2.00-3.00pm Session 5

3.00pm dismissal

Year 5 Camp

The Year 5 students assure me that the Year 5 Camp to Grantville was wonderful. The staff reported that the two main successes of the camp were the safe risk-taking that occurred with many of the students moving out of their comfort zone and their growing independence. The teachers saw many students trying to rise to the occasion and manage situations and their belongings with more independence. 

Year 1 Stay Late

The students were so excited at the Stay Late. A disco, giant lego, making party hats and a jumping castle; only some of the highlights of the afternoon/evening. Having pizza with their friends was also something they valued. 

Prep Breakfast

Coming to school in their pyjamas and making breakfast make the Preps feel very special and grown up. They had a huge day with the breakfast being followed up with the KABOOM sports day.

Parent Contributions

Thank you to those parents who have paid their parent contribution for 2024. We appreciate you being so prompt. Thank you too, to the couple of parents who have paid extra to ensure that the quality of programs doesn’t suffer, and all students are supported. How generous and truly reflective of our inclusive community. Further information can be found on Compass, a reminder has been sent out to all families. If you need further guidance, please contact the admin team. 

As the year comes to a close, expectations sometimes become a little relaxed. We are working as a staff to ensure that our expectations remain high in order to keep students focussed and on track as we still have just over 5 weeks to go. We ask that you too, keep them high; arrive on time, be prepared for school, remain positive and ask for clarification or help in a respectful way.

I hope you are enjoying the warmer weather and are able to get our and enjoy some of those more summery activities as a family.