Year 10 News

Brittany King & Courtney Scherger | Yr 10 Coordinators

We are quickly moving through Term 4 and the end of Year 10 is fast approaching. The Year 10 team just wanted to remind students of some of the expectations and processes as we near the end of the school year. Attendance. A reminder to students that they must attend their timetabled classes right up until Year 10 classes finish on Friday the 24th of November. Students will then complete a week of Year 11 Headstart classes from the 27th of November - 1st of December).A reminder to students and families if students need to leave school early for any reason (medical appointments or they are unwell) students will need to sign out at the administration office and have parent permission prior to leaving. Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds for recess or lunch. Year 11 exams Students that are completing a Year 11 subject this year will be expected to attend the exam for their Year 11 subject. (8th November - 10th November). The timetable for these exams will be released to students ASAP. Year 11 into 12 Headstart Students completing a Year 12 subject in 2024 (Accellerated students) will begin their Year 12 Headstart in weeks 7 and 8 (13th - 24th November) Accellerated students will be required to attend these classes. Year 10 into 11 Headstart. All Year 10s will complete their Year 11 Headstart classes in week 9 (27th - 1st of December). Year 10s are required to attend these classes. If students wish to make changes to their Year 11 subjects for 2024 they will need to do this with the Year 11 team.  



Mobile Phones 

A reminder to Year 10s that mobile phones are not permitted at school between 8.50am and 3.20pm. The Year 10 team will follow up with any students using their phones as per the school’s mobile phone policy.  


Uniform and Hats 

We encourage students and their families to ensure that students have the correct school uniform and a school hat. Hats can be purchased from the administration office for $20. Please reach out to the team if you have any questions in regards to this.