Year 9 News

Maddy McQueen & Joanne Merryfull | Year 9 Coordinators

Great work so far this term Year 9s! There have been a few events going on, but you have handled it all really well. Some notices and reminders for the upcoming term:



At the end of term we have our camp to Ballarat and Geelong. Apologies for the wrong date on the form, the correct dates are the 4th-6th December. A letter has gone home with an itinerary, forms and final payment information. We are asking that the final payment and forms please be handed in by the 28th November. 


Val Finch

Congratulations to Thomas Risson on being the winner of our Val Finch Writing Competition with his creative piece, titled ‘Protection by Murder’. Thomas was awarded a wonderful notebook and a very generous voucher to Shelton and Lane Stationery. Congratulations Thomas!


Celebration of the most Value Awards for the month

Congratulations to Chase Blake and Jessica Ballinger on receiving the most value notes to start off our term. What a great display of school values you have both shown!



As we are now in Term 4, the sun has started to shine, it means it’s time to be sun smart once again and ensure we are all wearing our hats at recess and lunch times. If you have lost your hat or need a new one, they can be purchased from the front office. If you have just forgotten it for the day, please just find a nice, shaded area outside to sit under.


VET Induction Day

If you are studying a VET course in 2024 you need to regularly check your SEQTA direct messages as that will be the main form of communication. There have been important Induction Day messages already sent out, so it is very important that you read the messages carefully. VET Induction Day is for all first year VET students only and is on Wednesday 1st November 2023. If you have any questions please see Mr Kuhne or Mr Schulz in the careers office. 


General Reminders:

  • Reports are coming up again, so please make sure you are caught up on all work requirements and CATs (there are after school English and Maths sessions on Wednesday’s and Thursday’s that you may be able to go to for extra support)
  • Continue to take pride in our school and ensure we are cleaning up after ourselves and using the bins provided
  • Although it is heading towards the end of the year, we need to make sure we are still being organised for classes and bringing all necessary materials