Alternate Programs

Liam Offer - Assistant Principal VCM VM

Welcome to week 4. This term is flying by and we are getting closer to end of year as well as results. Students need to keep working hard to give themselves the best chance they can to achieve success. Please reach out to your teacher for support with this.

Midway through term will see welfare meetings and attendance follow up for those students finding it difficult to engage and therefore a reminder to parents that these meetings are simply a check in to see what staff can do to assist families. 

Parents are reminded that there is a state wide ban on mobile phones being used at school between school hours and parents and students are advised that these devices stay at home as a lack of locker spaces presents an issue with students and their devices.

Transitions for those students looking to transition back to main campus as well as trialing electives are occurring throughout term 4. If this is something that your student is interested in please reach out to teachers to express your interest.

If parents have any questions or issues they are welcomed to contact Liam Offer at Alternate Programs to work through and create the best opportunity for their young person.



Outdoor Education

Recently our McKenzie Creek students have been participating in a variety of Outdoor Education activities such as cooking on Trangia stoves and fishing. Students have been cooking up a storm with meals made from scratch such as pancakes, chicken and vegetable soup, chow mein, kangaroo stir-fry and spaghetti bolognese. Last week students were learning how to fish. It was a busy afternoon with several redfin and rainbow trout caught. Well done to all students! ~Mr. Argall.

This week McKenzie Creek students were fortunate to have a tour of the Dimboola Fire Station. Students had a great time exploring the station and learning about the equipment. We would like to thank Jason Revell, Kylie Kuhne and Peter Harradine for showing us around and sharing their knowledge on bushfire management.


Did someone say Devonshire tea?

Blue group recently made beautiful fluffy scones and teamed them up with fresh strawberry jam and ‘fancy’ Chantilly cream.

According to Dante they tasted as good as they looked!

Blue Group students visited the Tiny Goats Farm in Dimboola. Students continue to develop their social and personal by interacting in various community settings, demonstrating school values in public.


Stu and Sue Lawson took 6 students to Charlton driving school for safe driving practise and instruction.

All the students had been looking forward to this fantastic activity.

It was an all day affair and students had a choice between manual and automatic cars on the purpose built driving track.

Well done everyone!