Year 12 News

Kristen Pfitzner & Nick Rigas | Year 12 Coordinators

End of Year Celebrations

Congratulations to all Year 12 students on completing their last formal classes at school! Students are to be commended on the way in which they conducted themselves throughout these final days.

Last Monday students came dressed in their primary school uniforms before having a very competitive game of dodgeball against the staff at lunchtime. It was wonderful to see so many students either participating or watching this event.

On Tuesday the theme was to ‘dress as a movie character’. The perfect weather enabled students to share a picnic lunch outside on the grass. Students also enjoyed taking the plunge on the slip and slide. This was a great way to let off steam after what has been a busy year! After school several students decided to stay behind and begin decorating the S Wing.

On Wednesday the wellbeing team prepared a delicious breakfast of bacon and egg rolls. We thank Yolande Grosser and Hamish Roberts for arriving at school at school so early to help prepare this for everyone. Students then decorated the S Wing with photos, streamers, and balloons. Highlights included a life size cardboard cutout of Mr Gutteridge (which was the ideal photo opportunity for many) alongside the wrapping of all contents on Petar’s (one of the Study Centre Supervisor’s) desk. The morning concluded with one last Year 12 Assembly and photo opportunity.


Finalising classwork and exam revision

It has been wonderful to see many students present to school to complete classwork or continue to prepare for exams. A large cohort attended school on Thursday to complete an additional English practice exam. A number of students are also coming in for revision classes or individual sessions with their teachers. Students are encouraged to continue to make full use of these opportunities to either complete work or prepare for exams.


Valedictory Dinner

A reminder that the Valedictory Awards Night will be held on Friday 15th of December at the Ian Maroske Hall on Dimboola Road. Guests are to arrive from 6.30pm with the awards starting at 7pm sharp. More details regarding this evening will be distributed soon.

Year 12 Scored Students

VTAC, preferences, registration for results

Please note that the next steps for VTAC is to do the following:


•            Register for 2023 VCE study scores, ATAR and Scaled Study Scores at

•            Change of preferences by 13 December, 4pm

Also at this link is more information on essential dates for preferences and offers as well as instructions on what to do after you receive your ATAR.

Please contact Dean Berger with any questions.