Principal's Report

Ms Meg Woolford - Acting Principal 

Year 12 Exams Begin

The Year 12 Exams held at Horsham College began on Tuesday with English.

Over the next three weeks students will be sitting end of year exams in the Maroske Hall and on behalf of all of the College community we wish the students the very best.  Thank you also to the teachers who have supported the students not only this year but throughout their time at Horsham College.


Year 11 Exams

Year 11 Exams will be from Wednesday 8th – 10th of November for Year 11 VCE students. Practicing the skill of sitting exams, is important for students intending to complete VCE. All Year 11 VCE students are required to attend their scheduled exams. The timetable will be distributed next week. Where students have clashes, they are to work with the Year 11 Team to reschedule their exams. 


Headstart Program – 2024

A reminder that the Year 11 into 12 Headstart program will begin on November 13th.  This is a great way to start 2024 and the final year for students at the College.  Where possible the Year 12 teacher for next year will take the class and when this is not possible the current Year 12 teacher will take the class for the two weeks.

VCE English students have this week been given notices regarding their Year 12 texts 2024 Year 12 cohort.

Any queries regarding the Headstart program can be directed to myself, or a member of the Senior School Team. 


Reminder Curriculum Day Monday November 6th 

A reminder that we will be having a Curriculum Day on Monday November 6th and that Tuesday November 7th is the Melbourne Cup public holiday.

We hope everyone has an enjoyable and safe long weekend.


End of Year Dates 

Please note the following important dates for the end of the school year:

  • October 17th – Last Day of Year 12s
  • October 24th – Year 12 Exams Begin
  • November 6th – Curriculum Day
  • November 7th – Melbourne Cup Day 
  • November 8th to 10th – Year 11 Exams
  • November 13th to 24th – Year 11 to 12 Headstart
  • November 27th to December 1st – Year 10 to 11 Headstart
  • December 4th to 6th – Year 9 Camp
  • December 11th – Alternate Programs (Reengagement) Awards
  • December 12th  – Year 7 Statewide Transition Day
  • December 13th - Year 7 to 11 Awards
  • December 15th - Year 12 Valedictory Dinner and Awards Night