Junior School Report

All Aboard for 2024
The end of the 2023 academic school year is fast approaching and our school, with your support, is preparing for 2024 – although we still have a little way to go.
At the beginning of Term 4 all students were provided with a 2024 Re-enrolment Pack for all families to complete. The pack consists of the following:
- Personal Details Form – by which all general details, including contact details can be updated
- Student Medical Form
- College Agreement Form
- College Contribution Form
Thank you to all families who have returned their completed forms.
If you did not receive the information, please contact the school on 9765 4100 or email scoresby.sc@education.vic.gov.au to request a pack.
CU Swinburne – Children’s University
Congratulations are extended to the following students of the Junior School who were able to accrue a minimum of 30 hours of learning by participating in the Children’s University program.
Addi Jones
Bella Foden
Blaise Rogers
Ethan Vi
Harper Bennett
Jade Jones
Jordan Tram
Khushdip Kaur
Lily James
Rayd Rachman
The Children’s University program is an extra-curriculum program that aims to develop free-thinking and inquisitive children who enjoy learning. The program encourages students to become lifelong learners and achievers by curating educational experiences that offer a global perspective. All of the local Learning Destinations have a link to University, which fosters the children’s ambitions to consider participation in higher education. I would hope that more students of the Junior School consider participating in the program in 2024.
Congratulations once again. I look forward to the Graduation Ceremony.
Date -Thursday 30 November 2023
Time - 4:45pm – 7:00pm
Ceremony begins @ 5:15pm sharp
Please arrive by 4:45pm to allow time for check in and gowning.
Location: Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn
Advanced Technologies Centre (ATC), ATC101 (enter via Burwood Road)
Dress: Please wear your full school uniform.
Attendance Recognition
The following students are to be congratulated for 100% attendance for Term 3 this year.
Year 7
Rayd Rachman
Blaise Rogers
Jordan Tram
Hannah Vardis
Jacinta Cairnes
Sep Saghaibiria
Laura Woodhouse
Renee Woodward-Smith
Year 8
Tony (TJ) Caruana
Nathan Hamilton
James Little
Leroy Murphy
Joseph Woodward-Smith
Ava Byrne
Sofia Faddoul
Xinyao (Lydia) Qiao
Monica Sarem
Year 9
Jack Harper
Cooper Tudor
Daniel Le
Dominic (Dom) Njani
Loumari Tatira
Attendance for all students aged between 6 – 17 years of age is compulsory. Evidence shows that daily school attendance is important for young people to succeed in education and to ensure they don’t fall behind both socially and developmentally. Young people who regularly attend school and complete Year 12 or an equivalent qualification have better health and employment outcomes and enjoy higher incomes.
Planning for 2024 will soon be underway. All parents, guardians, students and teachers are urged to constantly access Compass for information on important dates and events.
Scoresby Secondary College prides itself on providing continued support to all students to assist in their learning and personal growth. We encourage positive and constructive partnerships with parents and guardians to ensure our students are inspired to be their very best.
All students are expected to attend school and classes daily and any absences are to be reported on the absence hotline. Parents and guardians are encouraged to contact either their students’ homegroup teacher or coordinator with any questions or concerns.
Mrs Kiriaki Caracasidis
Head of Junior School