Student Services

Meet The Well-being Team
Louise - Student Services Leader/Social Worker (Tuesday, Thursday, Fridays)
Tahlia - Mental Health Practitioner/Social Worker (Monday, Wednesdays)
Alicia - Counsellor (Tuesdays)
We are very fortunate at Scoresby Secondary College to have the Doctors in Secondary Schools Service at the college.
Nurse Jo Morkam and Dr Prashima Llango are here at school on Thursdays offering a Bulk Billing GP service.
Jess Dehaan is an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker. On site Mondays and Tuesdays, offering a Bulk -Billing counselling services with a Mental Health care plan referral.
We work closely with Heads of Sub Schools to facilitate our new stream-lined referral process. With an upgraded electronic filing system, we can ensure the safety and confidentiality of all students/patients details. See your teacher who can arrange a referral through the relevant Head of School.
What kind of support can we offer?
We offer all our students a safe space to share their concerns and provide our students with a pathway plan to manage their worries. We won’t share your information unless you have given us consent or we feel you and others may be unsafe.
Friendship issues, family issues, exam stress, financial stress, bullying, grief and loss, moving home, moving schools, physical illness, mental illness, learning difficulties are just some of the many issues which students bring to the Well-Being team to discuss.
Happy or sad, excitement or stress. These are just some emotions we may experience.
- Emotions Can Motivate You to Act.
- Emotions Help You Avoid Danger.
- Emotions Can Help You Make Decisions.
- Emotions Help Others Understand You Better.
Emotions are a normal part of us. There is no right or wrong emotional way to an emotional trigger. It is how we manage our emotions which is important.
If you are struggling, we can help you make sense of your feelings and help develop tools and strategies to cope.
Help Line Numbers
Mrs Louise West
Student Services Leader/Social Worker