Secondary School News

Year 7 to Year 9

Secondary School Update

As we approach the end of another term at Salvado Catholic College, we can reflect on the hard work and achievements of our students and staff. The past weeks have been dedicated to continuous learning and growth, PAT testing, OLNA, and focusing on assessments. 


Our students have demonstrated their commitment to their education, diligently completing their PAT (Progressive Achievement Test) assessments. These assessments provide valuable insights into their progress, helping us tailor our teaching to their individual needs.


Additionally, our senior students tackled the OLNA (Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment) with determination. These standardised tests assess crucial skills and knowledge, ensuring our students are well-prepared for future challenges.


Over the remaining four weeks of this term, our focus will be on analysing the assessment data and preparing detailed reports for both students and parents. These reports will provide a comprehensive overview of students' academic progress, highlighting their strengths and areas for improvement.


We are proud of the hard work and dedication of our Salvado Catholic College community. Let's continue to support our students as they make the most of the remaining weeks of this year and gear up for an even more successful future. Together, we can achieve great things!


Mr Brendan McGrath 

Head of Middle School (Year 7 to Year 9)


Mr Jason Meynell

Head of Senior School