Junior School News 

Year 3 to Year 6

Junior School Update

🌿 Embracing the Great Outdoors: Salvado Catholic College's Outdoor Classroom Day 🌿


Year 3 to Year 6 students stepped out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary to enjoy an unforgettable day of learning in the open air! Last Thursday, teachers and students joined the global movement known as "Outdoor Classroom Day". This exciting initiative encourages us to take our learning adventures beyond the four walls of the classroom and into the wonderful world outside.


Why, you ask? Well, it's no secret that spending time in the great outdoors is just as essential to a child's development as learning to read and write. Nature, with its captivating wonders, presents a treasure trove of opportunities for growth and inspiration. Learning outside ignites the spark of curiosity, engages young minds in remarkable ways, and invites them to explore the world around them.


Teachers took a brave leap into outdoor education. Reports were filled with positive stories about the impact it has on our students. Positive behaviours, classrooms buzzed with excitement, and even those who might usually feel confined by traditional curriculum found their wings and soared in the open air.


Mrs Christine Pitman

Head of Junior School (Year 3 to Year 6)