A Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Caregivers,


The Salvado Catholic College Annual Community Meeting will be held on Thursday 23 November in the Covered Assembly Space commencing at 6:00pm.  We are calling for nominations for the Friends of Salvado Executive Committee. Parents/Carergivers interested in nominating for the Friends of Salvado Committee are asked to complete the form and return it to the College Administration in an envelope marked Private and Confidential addressed to the Principal. Nominations are to be handed in by 3:00pm on Friday 17 November


The Friends of Salvado Committee membership conditions are: 

(a)  a commitment and desire to promote Catholic education;  

(b)  a commitment and desire to give service to the school;  

(c)  a commitment to the safety, wellbeing and pastoral care of all students and staff;  

(d)  an ability to work cooperatively and constructively with the Principal, the College Leadership Team, the College Advisory Council and other members of the Friends of Salvado Committee; and  

(e)  allocating sufficient time to devote to Friends of Salvado Committee duties.  


If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. 


Mead Street Carpark

Recently there have been a number of incidents where parents/caregivers have not been acting safely or responsibly in the Mead Street Carpark. I ask that parents/caregivers support the College and act safely by;

  • Not stopping in the middle of the carpark to pick up and drop off students.
  • Do not double park
  • Only parking in the marked bays
  • Not using mobile phones while driving in the carpark
  • Only parking in ACROD bays if you have the required permit which is clearly displayed
  • When leaving the carpark all cars are to only turn left

We thank you for your support with this important matter.


Bushfire Plan

Last week we held our Safe Place Evacuation Drill to practise the movement of all students into the nominated Safe Place (Secondary Design & Science Building), the drill was very successful and quickly completed. As the College is in a Bushfire Prone Zone, all parents/caregivers need to be aware of the College's Bushfire Plan (Plan) which is available here. As the Plan is updated at the start of each year, and as each stage of building is completed, we will remind parents/caregivers to check the Plan.


Peace & Goodness to all,

Ian Hagen
