Student Acknowledgements & Birthdays

The Sacred Heart School Vision Statement and Philosophy speaks of creating a Catholic faith community that, with Jesus as our model, promotes tolerance, compassion, equality, justice and joy in each other’s presence. As educators, we look for and celebrate these qualities, dispositions and character traits to acknowledge these in others.
Prep A | Lizzie Kemp | For the extraordinary kindness and compassion she shows towards her peers everyday. What a delight it is to have you in Prep A Lizzie. You are just delicious! | Prep C | Annika Di Natale | For the initiative you showed when deciding to write a letter to Kaylene and set up a fundraiser with your friends to raise money to fix the cubby house. I am so proud of the way you saw a need and did something about it! |
Zaynab Khahil | For the big improvement she has made in her writing this term. Zaynab l can see you have been working on your handwriting and it is getting much neater. Good job sister! | Lyla Baker | For always enacting our Ways of Being Together. You always treat others with respect and kindness, help tidy up the classroom and are always the first to sit on the floor and show whole body listening. You are SO ready for Grade One and are a role model to your peers! | ||
Year 1B | Hannah Davern | For the enthusiasm you have put into his writing this term. You have come such a long way Hannah because you have shown great persistence and grown such delicious confidence. I am very proud of you gorgeous girl. | Year 1N | Narmen Akel | All the amazing learning you have demonstrated this term. I am proud of you! |
Oliver Gribben | For being an excellent listener and a kind and thoughtful member of 1B. Ollie, we are so lucky to have such a helpful and clever boy in our class. Keep it up superstar! | Alexander Hudson | Always demonstrating the Sacred Heart Learning Asset of being a ‘self-manager’. I love the way you recognise your strengths and always try to improve your learning. Well done | ||
Year 2A | Oliver Pozzuto | For being an attentive listener, an active learner and making the right choices during learning time. Your efforts over the past few weeks have not gone unnoticed, keep it up Oliver! | Year 2V | Hana Dagneaw | For always putting in effort to complete learning tasks and for always displaying kindness towards classmates who need help. We are so lucky to have you in 2V Hana! |
Eliza Woodney | For your thoughtfulness when helping your peers and your insightful and valuable contributions to class discussions. | Ainsley Dinh | For being an active listener and contributor during whole class sessions. Well done for always displaying a respectful and polite attitude when sharing your ideas Ainsley. | ||
Year 3BD | Noah Doan | For your engagement, participation and collaboration as an Active Learner at our excursion to the Queen Victoria Market. Identifying how the deli could be innovated to make it a better experience for customers was well thought out and expressed. It was wonderful to see you have so much fun on this excursion too! | Year 3C | Wilhelm Beh | For your innovative ideas towards our Queen Victoria Market project. The way that you identified the need for the seafood stalls and designed a new stall layout for them to attract more customers is phenomenal. Keep up the good work Wilhelm! |
Dhatri Tatikonda | For your excellent instructional text, 'How to Make a Halloween Pumpkin Cube'. Your opening statement was engaging and you included all the important features of this text type. It was so impressive to see you extend yourself in your writing by using verbs, adverbs and prepositions to explain steps clearly to the reader. | Eloise Bibao | For your amazing writing piece - How to Build a Beam Bridge (prototype). Your precise word choice, correct punctuation, and sentence structure with the use of a variety of subordinate conjunctions blew my mind. You are such a great instructor and engineer. Well Done Eloise! | ||
Year 4KR | Layla Margarit | For your amazing contributions in English. You always work very hard when reading and writing and always wanting to help others. | Year 4M | Eliza Gazeas | for your outstanding dedication and engagement in all learning activities, with a special focus on your exceptional writing skills. Your passion for learning and your pursuit of excellence have made you a role model for us. |
Kiara Frimston | For your wonderful kindness towards others. Kiara you always think of others while continuing to work so very hard yourself. | James Hanigan | For showcasing your empathy and willingness to help those in need. Additionally, you actively engaged in the learning activities by writing meaningful wonderings in Inquiry. We can see your dedication to both your academic and personal growth. | ||
Year 5E | Lucas Kremzer | For representing our cohort with pride by reading the First Reading at our Year 5 Mass reverently and confidently. Well done! | Year 5K | Emily Wiederstein | For always trying your absolute best! You are a resilient and dedicated learner and I love how you have really pushed yourself in all curriculum areas this year. You’re a superstar! |
Joel Exton | For being an absolute delight in the classroom! I appreciate how you wholeheartedly tackle every learning task and extend friendship to your peers when they need it. Thank you for being a fabulous member of 5E! | Harry Jones | For your wonderful contributions during our reading focus groups. You are always so well prepared, engaged and I love your thoughtful and well developed opinions about the texts we read. You are supportive and encouraging of your group members and you make our reading groups a joy! | ||
Year 6A | Layla Henderson | For working collaboratively with your group throughout our Inquiry unit this term. You have shown you can think creatively to solve problems and reflect on your learning. Well done Layla | Year 6K | Michael Lavelle | For consistently demonstrating an exemplary commitment to active learning through thoughtful and meaningful contributions in Inquiry. Keep up the great work Michael. |
Emily Collett | For collaborating with your group during Inquiry to design and create solutions to challenges. You respectively listen to others and confidently share your ideas. Well done Emily. | Ruby Acuna | For showing an eagerness to participate in the design process in our Inquiry unit this term. Your enthusiasm enhanced the overall learning experience for everyone! Keep up the great work Ruby |
Happy Birthday to our students who have celebrated a birthday in the past fortnight.
Prep | Taleb Abouhasna Alexander Bilbao Zaynab Khahil | 1st November 12th November 13th November |
Yr 1 | ||
Yr 2 | Maja Sparkes Emmi Princiotto Jaxon Birch | 7th November 14th November 17th November |
Yr 3 | ||
Yr 4 | Mason Mariani | 18th November |
Yr 5 | Scarlett Stitz Leo Freeman | 10th November 24th November |
Yr 6 | Sascha Fantini Luke Lavelle Michael Lavelle | 2nd November 7th November 7th Nove]mber |