Message from the 

School Principal

Mrs Kaylene Carlin

Dear Families & Friends,


It is always an exciting time when we welcome new families and children to Sacred Heart and yesterday was no exception. Our Prep 2024 children came to school for their first transition morning and the Prep classrooms were a hive of activity and buzzing with excitement. The purpose of transition sessions is for the children to become more familiar with their new school, feel more at ease and begin to build friendships and connections that will be so important as they begin school. Not only did we welcome new families but also siblings of children who are already part of our Sacred Heart community. Breanna and Caitlin are our Prep educators in 2024 and they are both looking forward to getting to know the children and families over the coming weeks. 


Yesterday, every Prep 2024 child received their very own Sacred Heart teddy bear to snuggle as a welcome to their new to their new school and there were lots of cuddles happening! We can’t wait to see our Prep 2024 children again next week for their second morning. 


The next two sessions are Tuesday, 14th November at 9.15am and Wednesday, 22nd November. The children will be in their 2024 class groupings in the final session only. 


Many parents have given feedback about our Sacred Heart Playgroups for 3-4 years that we started this year, saying that they provided an opportunity for both adults and children to feel a sense of belonging and security, even before beginning their journey with the Sacred Heart community. With such positive feedback, we will continue this initiative into next year.


Classes for 2024

As written in the last newsletter, it is that time of the year when we determine class groupings for the coming year. It is a complex process and one that we take very seriously. There are many factors to be considered when grouping children together including friendship groupings, the learning needs of the students and influences students have one another. 


As parents/carers, you know your child best and, at times, have had conversations with your child about school that we are not privy to. If you believe there is information that we may not be aware of, please do not hesitate to email your child's teacher, Lyndal (Year 3-6), Erin (Prep - Year 2) or myself and we will acknowledge your concerns or requests.  Whilst we cannot accommodate all requests, we will always ensure your thoughts are considered in the decision making process. 


Families not returning in 2024

If your child will not be returning to Sacred Heart in 2024, can you please inform the school in writing as soon as possible if you have not already done so. This will also assist us in establishing balanced class groupings for 2024. I appreciate your support and understanding in this request. Emails can be sent to



This year, the Step Up Day will be on Monday, 11th December. During this one hour session, the children will gather with their new class and get to know their new teacher and peers a little better, in readiness for the start of a new school year. We will let the children know their 2024 class on Friday, 8th December. 


Closure Day - Reviewing 2023/Sketching 2024

On Wednesday, our Sacred Heart team gathered as a staff to review our strategic directions which included revisiting the goals we had set for 2023, documenting evidence of what has been achieved and considering our foci for 2024. Next year is a review year for Sacred Heart. School Reviews happen every four years in Catholic Primary Schools and are an important part of strategic planning in all aspects of school life, as shown in the image below. 


On Wednesday, we spent time considering the research of the Berry Street Education Model and how this research can inform the whole school strategies and routines that enable students to feel engaged, safe and ready to learn at school. In the afternoon, Kim led the staff in an introduction to the new Victorian Mathematics curriculum and teachers spent time mapping the teaching and learning of Mathematics in 2024.


It was a very productive day and I thank you for your support in making this day possible for our educators. 


Sacred Heart Christmas Carols

Our children will soon be starting to prepare for a very special event on our school calendar, the Sacred Heart Christmas Carols! This year, the Christmas Carols will be held in the playground once again (weather permitting). Families are invited to bring a picnic rug, chair, nibbles, picnic etc and join in the festive spirit. 


Date: Thursday, 7th December

Time: Gates will open at 5pm for a 5.30pm start.


Please note, children will be required to sit with their classes in front of the stage, in readiness to go on stage for their carols. 


We hope to see as many families as possible. 





Have a wonderful weekend and God bless to you all,





























Classes for 2024

It is that time of the year when we start to think about class groupings for the coming year. It is a complex process and one that we take very seriously. There are many factors to be considered when grouping children together including friendship groupings, the learning needs of the students and influences students have one another. As parents/carers, you know your child best and, at times, have had conversations with your child about school that we are not privy to. If you believe there is information that we may not be aware of, please do not hesitate to email your child's teacher, Lyndal (Year 3-6), Erin (Prep - Year 2) or myself and we will acknowledge your concerns or requests.  Whilst we cannot accommodate all requests, we will always ensure your thoughts are considered in the decision making process.


Annual Parish Forum


This year our Annual Parish Forum will take place after the 10am Mass at our Sacred Heart Church on Sunday the 26th of November. It will be immediately followed by a parishioner luncheon where we will be able to acknowledge and celebrate the contributions so many people have made to the life of our parish this year. You can read more about this event in the Parish & Faith News section of the newsletter.





Have a wonderful weekend with family and friends.


Warm regards




School Principal