Year 11 and 12

Updates for year 11 and 12 Students

Last day of school for year 12s

On Tuesday, 17 October, our 12’s completed their last official day of school. We held a whole school assembly to congratulate the class of 2023 with speeches from the school captains, principal, and senior school leadership team. Students walked a lap of the school being applauded by their peers and teachers. It was a great way to celebrate their final day of school.


On Wednesday, 18 October, students celebrated by dressing up in the morning and attending a BBQ with their teachers, parents and staff in the evening. We wish them all the very best in their future endeavours. Good luck with your final exams, further education and future employment. We are extremely proud of what you have achieved in your years at Sunbury College. 


Check out some photos below 👇🏻