Year 7 and 8 

A peek into the student lives of our year 7 and 8 students this term

Year 8 Maths – Movement in the classroom and PAT Testing.

In year 8B class, we have been getting a bit of movement in the classroom. In the topic of Probability there was an option to take the students outside and work on throwing tennis balls. The task was to estimate how many throws out of 20 the students would catch. Then actually practice this and calculate the probability of catching the tennis ball and the probability of not catching the tennis ball. This worked well and the students understood the task. No pictures unfortunately. 

In another class, we had a full group competition of which students could replicate the Michael Jackson Moon Walk. We watched the video, practiced the Moon Walk. Each student was part of a group of 4. The probability of not being able to do the Moon Walk was 0 and each other student was categorised to equal 1 using fractions. The student who could do the Moon Walk the best from the group was nominated to the main competition at the front of the room. Well done to all competitors. It was a lot of fun and it was clear that students understood probability fractions equaling 1. No pictures unfortunately there was too much fun being had.

The end of October signals the beginning of PAT Adaptive Testing. It is a standardised test that is adaptive. As the student progresses through the online test the questions alter. No student has the same questions, or the same test. It was great to observe all students participating seriously in a silent environment. Students were watching the questions alter as they progressed through. There were real moments where students felt they were progressing well during the session. It was great to see them all focus and concentrate on their questions and present their best performance. Well done to all students in 8B and in the whole year level. 

Sharon Franks

Learning Specialist – Numeracy.