Principal's News


Dear Parents & Parishioners,

Last Friday's OHR Colour Explosion Fun Run proved to be a great way to head into the long weekend.  Thank you to everyone for supporting, what proved to be, another successful event.

The weather remained fine throughout the day, warming up as the Colour Run began. The students were brimming with smiling faces and enthusiasm (as were all the parents who assisted during the afternoon), as they anticipated being showered with water and colour! 

Thank you to Linnea Reddie and Angela Southwood for all the work they did in coordinating many aspects of the event to ensure our students had a fun and memorable experience. Without the support of all the parents on the day, we could not have pulled off this event.  So, on behalf of the students, thank you to everyone.

Congratulations to all our students for the positive attitude which they brought on the day. All money raised will go directly to our PFA which, in turn, will come back to the school to benefit our students.  More details to follow.


Remember, the students have only until midnight tomorrow to claim their prizes.

Our Deepest Condolences

On behalf of the staff, I extend our deepest sympathy to Siobhan Crawshay whose father, Lawrence Moran, passed away last week. Lawrence is grandather to Dan (1/2HA) and Will (Prep DE).


The funeral for Mr Moran is being held today in the OHR church.

St Bridget's Staff Joining OHR

We look forward to welcoming Nicole Durrant (LSO) and Margaret Maher (Classroom Teacher) to OHR from the beginning of the 2024 school year.  Nicole will work full time, while Margaret (Margie) will be teaching on a part-time basis.

Remembrance Day

This year Rembrance Day is recognised on a Saturday.  The day is an important occasion in which to pay tribute to those who served in the First World War and all who have served and died for Australia with honour in all wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations.

From a population of around 4.5 million, some 416,000 enlisted for service in the Great War - more than 60,000 would never return. This affected every community, large and small, in what was a very young nation.

On 11 November 1918 at 11 am, the guns on the Western Front fell silent and the most destructive war the modern world had seen was all but over and countries around the world celebrated.

As with the rest of Australia, World War I left a heavy mark on the suburbs of Boroondara. Memorials to commemorate Australian servicemen and women are dotted around the Boroondara community.

You can find out about the locations of these sites by visiting Boroondara’s war memorials page.


Remembrance Day will be recognised during this Monday's whole school Assembly.


The Roman Emperor, Julian, (355-363) tried desperately to limit the influence of growing numbers of Christians but reluctantly, made this observation about them: “As children are coaxed with cake, so have these Christians enticed the poor to join them by their kindness. Strangers they have secured by hospitality. By brotherly love they have won the multitude.” John Abbott. The History of Christianity.

If we are to take too much notice of the sensational side of media reporting, we might begin to doubt our personal safety in a ruthless society where kindness is, seemingly, becoming such a rare commodity. Perhaps media reports could include a few words from St Paul such as, “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another.” Eph. 4:31,32.

By way of example, I shared the following story a few years ago. In her book, The Black Dress, Pamela Freeman has this delightful image to put into our minds: 

“Poor little sad soul! Sister Aloysius sent him to me that first week. I was standing in the playground, looking down at the mangroves and the bay, relishing the fresh salt air. Mick, his name was, came sidling up to me reluctantly, eyes down, terror in every movement. 

‘Sister says I have to tell you,’ he said in a quavering voice. 

He gulped. ‘I stole a bun in the kitchen.’ 

God love him! I almost laughed. But I put my arm around him. ‘Were you hungry?’

He nodded. He was twisting his hands together in a combination of misery and fright. That movement alone told of months of abuse and fear. 

‘Well, you go back to Sister and tell her I said to give you another bun.’ 

His head came up, astonished, and he met my eyes for the first time. I smiled. He grinned and hugged me hard and raced off to Sister Aloysius, leaping as he went. Then, I did laugh.” 

As parents, we all know how self-absorbed young people can be. It’s part of their development, discovering their own identity and deciding who they want to be. It’s even possible that they might think that because they are “family”, they are entitled to get what they want, when they want it, even if it means that their selfishness is to the disadvantage of other family members. They need strong parent models from whom they can learn by observation and influence that they need to be more aware of other family members and their needs, their feelings and their concerns. They will need to be lead from self-absorption to sensitivity of others, so that kindness becomes part of their nature as they mature towards adulthood. Here’s a thought to keep at the back of your mind: “You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.” Author Unknown.

Prep & New Families Welcome Mass

All OHR families are invited to mass in the OHR Church on Sunday 19 November at 10.30am.  This is a special mass to welcome 2024 Prep families and any other new families to the parish and school.  

At the conclusion of the mass there will be an opportunity to partake in a free sausage sizzle hosted by our PFA.

Calling for PFA Nominations - 2024

Being a member of the PFA is a wonderful opportunity to be involved in your child’s school community, as well as play a part in initiatives that support the education and welfare of the children of OHR.  

Please jump to the PFA News page for further details.

2024 Parent Gatherings

As has become an OHR tradition, we invite families to open up their homes to host one of three parent gatherings that are spaced throughout Term One on Friday evenings.  These are warm and low key social events.  All Parent Gatherings were very well-attended earlier this year.  Thank you to Fiona and Damian Love who have offered to host the Yrs 5&6 Parent Evening, and to Paige Hayward and Robin Lewis who will be hosting the Prep - Yr 2 Parent Evening.

What is required if you wish to host?  Simply provide the space in your home or back yard, some clean glasses and a tub or two of ice.  Everyone brings their own drinks and finger food to share.

We have currently set aside three dates for 2024:

  • Prep - Yr 2 Parent Evening: 16 February 2024 at the Lewis' home
  • Yrs 3 & 4 Parent Evening: 1 March 2024
  • Yrs 5 & 6 Parent Evening: 15 March 2024 at the Love's home 
  • If interested in hosting one of these evenings, please let either Heather or myself know.

Formation of Classes

The teaching staff are commencing the process of developing class placements for the 2023 school year.  The construction of class lists is a process that requires teaching staff to give consideration to a great variety of factors in an effort to create a social, emotional, behavioural and academic balance within any given class, as detailed in the Rationale of our Formation of Classes Policy:

“At OHR we believe that learning is influenced by a diverse range of factors. The professional knowledge, judgement and discretion of all teachers is critical to the placement of students. The class allocation process should follow protocols which address the balance of social, emotional and academic needs of each child.” 

A copy of the Formation of Classes Policy is attached below for your reference.  Please take the time to read through the Policy carefully, as it clearly articulates a range of considerations that need to be factored when placing every individual child into a class.  The Policy informs the decisions of staff as we collaboratively construct class lists over the coming weeks

OHR Twilight Christmas Celebration

The PFA have planned an exciting OHR Twilight Christmas Celebration to fall on the evening of Friday 1 December.  The evening will commence with Christmas Carols sung by the OHR students. There are also many other events planned for the evening which the PFA will communicate over the coming weeks.  So save the date!

Term 4 School Closure Days

  • 2024 Planning Day - Monday 27 November

If you wish to book the Camp Australia service on the 27 November, please refer to the School Community page in this newsletter. 


Wishing everyone a great long weekend,
